Read previous article of medieval history here-

Various dynasties during 10th century.

Delhi Sultanate

India in 18th Century

India with Decline of mughals

Sikhs and Marathas after Mughals

Deccan, Sufism and Mughal art & architecture

Literature and art during medieval times


Indian history Practice Questions


Q–1  Consider the following statements.

(A)  To understand the ancient laws and customs, British established the Asiatic society of Bengal in 1784 Calcutta.

 (B)  Sir William Jones, who translated the drama Abhijnashakuntalam in to English in 1789.

 (C)  Bhagavad-Gita, the most popular religious tent of the Hindu rendered into English by wilkins

(D)  ‘Early history of India’ by Vincent Arthur smith, who prepared the first systematic history of  ancient India.

Select the correct answer:

(i)   A and B

(ii)  A, B, C and D

(iii) D, C and A

(iv)  B, C and D



Q–2 Select incorrect match

(A) Harshacharita — Describes the earleist carries of Harshavardhana

(B) Sandhyakara Nandish’s Ramacharita Narrates the story of conflict between the story  between the kaivarata peasants and the pala prince Rampala.

(c) Rajatarangini ‘Story of Punjab rulers’

 Select incorrect match

(i)  B only

(ii) C and B

(iii) C only

(iv) None



Q–3 Which of the following statement is wrong.

(A) The study of coins are called epigraphy.

(B) The old writing used in inscription and other old records is called paleography.

(C) The Harappan inscription, which awaits decipherment of script in which ideas and objects were impressed in the form of picture, considered as a proto History.

(D) Ashokan inscription were engraved in the Sanskrit script.

 Select incorrect statement:

(i)  A and B

(ii)  B, C and D

(iii) All

(iv) only D.


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Q–4 Consider the following statement

(A) Pala empire, which dominated eastern India till the middle of the 8thc.

(B) Rashtrakuta empire, which dominated the Deccan and also controlled territory in north and south India at various times

(C) Pratihara empire, which dominated Southern India till the middle of 9th century.

(D) Out of pala, pratihara and Rashtrakuta pratihara emerged most powerful.

 Select corect answer

  1. Only
  2. A and B
  3. C and D
  4.  A, B and C


Q–5 The temple of Somnath which was dominated by Mohmud Ghazni was dedicated to Lord

(a) Vishnu

(b) Shiva

(c) Surya

(c) Ganapati



Q–6 Whose philosophy is called the Advaita

(a) Ramanujacharya

(b) Shankaracharya

(c) Nagarjuna

(d) Vasumitra


See- Important summits list 


Q–7 Who has founded the pala empire

(i) Gopala

(ii) Dhamapala

(iii) Dhruva

(iv) Harsh



Q–8 Match the following:


(A) Chayhan of Delhi Ajmer

(B) Pratihara of Kannauj

(C) Parmar of malwa

(D) Chalukya/Solanki of Kathiawar


(1) Delhi

(2) Avanti and Kannauj

(3) Anishal Vada

(4) Ujjain Dhar


(i) Vasudeva

(ii) Nagabhatta Ist

(iii) Sri Harsha

(iv) Mulraja Ist


(a) A–1 (i) B–2 (ii) C–3 (iii) D–4 (iv)

(b) A–4 (i) B–1 (iii) C–2 (iv) D–3 (ii)

(c) A–1 (i) B–2 (ii) C–4 (iii) D–3 (iv)

(d) A–4 (i) B–2 (ii) C–3 (iii) D–1 (iv)


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Q–9 Which one of the following is incorrect statement

(i) Nalanda University was founded by Kumargupta I (Gupta ruler) at Badagaon Bihar

(ii) O-dantpuri university was founded by Gopala pala ruler at Biharsharif Bihar.

(iii) Somapuri university was founded by Rampala at North Benga.

(iv) Jagdal university was founded by Rampala in Bengal.



Q–10 Which of the following is not correct about the Advent of Europeans.

(i) Portuguese East India Company came in 1498 at cochin.

(ii) English East India Company came in 1600.

(iii) Dutch East India Company came in 1602.

(iv) Danish east India Company came in 1619 and French East India Company came in 1668.



Q–11 Why did Dutch East India Company fail to maintain its influence in India?

(a) Portuguese East India Company was not so entrepreneur as French and British.

(b) There was increasing interference of Government of Dutch  in the Company’s internal affairs.

(c) Dutch indulged in Forcible religious conversion of the people and these were impelled by local kings.

(d) The English forces made them to leave India.



Q–12 With reference to Pondicherry, consider the following.

(1) The first European power to occupy Pondicherry were the Portuguese.

(2) The second European power to occupy Pondicherry were the French.

(3) The English never occupied Pondicherry.

 Select correct statements given above

(a) Only 1

(b) 2 and 3

(c) Only 3

(d) All of these



Q–13 Consider the following statements

(i) Dutch opened a first factory at pulicet in 1609.

(ii) English first built a factory at Masulipatnam in 1611.

 Which above statement is/are correct

(a) only I

(b) only II

(c) Both I and II

(d) Neither I and II


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Q–14 Industrial Revolution in Europe mainly emerged due to

  1. locating the production process in the countryside.
  2. declining of the guilds because of new-farming production coming under a single roof (the factory).
  3. growing role of merchant capitalists in the production process.

 Select correct answer.

(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) Both 2 and 3

(c) Both 1 and 3

(d) only 2.



Q–15 In India history, which one of the following was occurred earliest.

(a) First Anglo – Afghan war

(b) Second Carnatic war

(c) Third Anglo – Maratha war

(d) Fourth Anglo – Mysore war


Indian history Practice Questions Explanation:-

  1. Ans-(B) When British found themselves unable to administer the India, having deep diversity in all the aspects of life, according to. India law and customs they have established asiatic society of Bengal in 1784 for detail stndy.
  2. Ans–(C):– Rajatarangini means the ‘streams of the king’ written by kalhana in the 9th It is a string of biographies of the king of Kashmir, and can be the first work which have several traits of history as it is understood in our times.
  3. Ans–(D) Ashokan inscription were engraved in the Brahmi script which was written from left to right. Some Ashokan inscription were also engraved in Kharosthi which was written from right to left. Greek and Aramic were also used in Pakistan and Afghanistan at Ashokan inscription.
  4. Ans–(B)Pratihara dominated western India and upper Gangetic valley till middle of 9th Rashtruketa emerged powerful not pratihara.
  5. Ans–(B) Somnath is in Gujrat dedicated to lord Shiva.
  6. Ans–(B) Shankaracharya philosophy is called Advaita Vedanta.
  7. Ans–(A) The pala empire was founded by Gopala probably in 750 AD. He was succeded in 770 AD by his son Dharampala.
  8. Ans–(b)There all Kingdom were flourishing in early medieval period.
  9. Ans–(iii) These all are Buddhist learning center. Somaapuri Buddist university was founded by Dharmapala at North Bengal.
  10. Ans–(iv) Danish East India Company arrived in 1616 and French East India Company in 1664 respectively.
  11. Ans– (d) Out of all the European merchantile company, East India Company of London emerged powerful that did not permitted other company to make a space in India.
  12. Ans–(a) Pondicherry throughout the colonial period was highly influenced by French. French never lost contral over pondicherry. Portuguese ruled for short time in Pondicherry.
  13. Ans– (d) Dutch set up first factory at Masulipatnam in 1602 then Pulicat in 1609, Whereas English first built a factory at Surat in 1613.
  14. Ans–(a) In English Indus tradisation began in first half of 19th But due to decline of feudalism the commercial activity started that forced merchants of London to form East India Company.
  15. Ans–(b) Anglo Afghan first war held in 1878–1880, second carnatic war in 1749–54, third Maratha war in 1817–18, Fourth Anglo Mysore war was held in 1799 respectively.


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