Sentence Rearrangement/Para Jumble Questions

As we all know that In Banking and Insurance exams, Sentence Rearrangement Questions or Para Jumble are an important section that can fetch you 5 marks If you practice it well. In Sentence, Rearrangement candidates are required to rearrange the given sentences making it a coherent and logical paragraph. You just need to follow a systematic approach to solve the sentence rearrangement questions instead of mugging up with the sentences given. This sentence rearrangement questions can be quite easy to attempt and prove to be scoring if you have practice of all types of questions.

If you are preparing for upcoming Banking & Insurance Exams like IBPS, SBI PO and Clerk, IBPS RRB, RBI, SEBI, NABARD grade A and B etc. you will come across English Language Section on Sentence Rearrangement. Here we are providing you Questions based on Sentence Rearrangement, Attempt below quiz-

Sentence Rearrangement Questions | Set – 6

Directions: Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions.

(A) But research over the past two decades has questioned this.

(B) Two papers with starkly contradictory conclusions, published three weeks apart, have reignited debate about whether adult human brains can grow new neurons.

(C) The matter is of more than just theoretical concern.

(D) They have produced evidence that new neurons are indeed generated in the adults of several species, people included.

(E) For over a century, neuroscientists believed brains have acquired all the neurons they will ever have shortly after birth.

(F) Understanding how neurons are generated might lead to new ways of dealing with cognitive decline in ageing, neurodegenerative disease and even depression.

1. Which of the following is the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
A. E
B. B
C. A
D. C
E. D

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Correct Answer – E. D

(B) talks about the research papers, because of which questions have been raised if adult human brains can grow new neurons, followed by (E) mentioning previous perception of neuroscientists about the same, following a contrast in (A) with research questioning this perception. This is then continued with (D) mentioning the new discovery, which is said to be a matter of more than just theoretical concern in (C). The passage ends (F) which mentions what the discovery will help in achieving.

2. Which of the following is the LAST sentence after rearrangement?
A. C
B. F
C. D
D. A
E. E

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Correct Answer –B. F

(B) talks about the research papers, because of which questions have been raised if adult human brains can grow new neurons, followed by (E) mentioning previous perception of neuroscientists about the same, following a contrast in (A) with research questioning this perception. This is then continued with (D) mentioning the new discovery, which is said to be a matter of more than just theoretical concern in (C). The passage ends (F) which mentions what the discovery will help in achieving.

3. Which of the following is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

A. C
B. B
C. D
D. E
E. A

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Correct Answer – D. E

(B) talks about the research papers, because of which questions have been raised if adult human brains can grow new neurons, followed by (E) mentioning previous perception of neuroscientists about the same, following a contrast in (A) with research questioning this perception. This is then continued with (D) mentioning the new discovery, which is said to be a matter of more than just theoretical concern in (C). The passage ends (F) which mentions what the discovery will help in achieving.

4. Which of the following is the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
A. C
B. D
C. F
D. E
E. B

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Correct Answer – A. C

(B) talks about the research papers, because of which questions have been raised if adult human brains can grow new neurons, followed by (E) mentioning previous perception of neuroscientists about the same, following a contrast in (A) with research questioning this perception. This is then continued with (D) mentioning the new discovery, which is said to be a matter of more than just theoretical concern in (C). The passage ends (F) which mentions what the discovery will help in achieving.

5. Which of the following is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

A. D
B. B
C. C
D. A
E. F

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Correct Answer – D. A

(B) talks about the research papers, because of which questions have been raised if adult human brains can grow new neurons, followed by (E) mentioning previous perception of neuroscientists about the same, following a contrast in (A) with research questioning this perception. This is then continued with (D) mentioning the new discovery, which is said to be a matter of more than just theoretical concern in (C). The passage ends (F) which mentions what the discovery will help in achieving.

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Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following five sentence (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph in accordance with the LAST statement given in the question.

(A) One of their peculiarities was the way they spoke.

(B) The twins lived in a small village surrounded by mountains and a huge lake.

(C) There was this pair of twins who was so queer in their ways that people nicknamed them the ‘Quirky Twins’.

(D) Their speeches were peppered with idioms, proverbs, similes and metaphors.

(E) Their real names, Kooky and Konky, were as peculiar as their personalities!

LAST: Villagers loved to bring their families there for a picnic or a swim in the lake.

6. Which is the SECOND sentence after the arrangement?

A. C
B. D
C. E
D. B
E. A

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Correct Answer – C. E

(C) introduced the twins with their nickname and real names in (E) followed by (A) mentioning the peculiarity of the twins. Continued with elaborating their peculiarity of speech in (D). As the last sentence is related to the twin’s village, thus this should be preceded by the sentence which should introduce this village, making (B) correct.

7. Which is the FOURTH sentence after the arrangement?
A. D
B. C
C. B
D. A
E. E

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Correct Answer – A. D

(C) introduced the twins with their nickname and real names in (E) followed by (A) mentioning the peculiarity of the twins. Continued with elaborating their peculiarity of speech in (D). As the last sentence is related to the twin’s village, thus this should be preceded by the sentence which should introduce this village, making (B) correct.

8. Which is the FIFTH sentence after the arrangement?
A. E
B. D
C. C
D. B
E. A

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Correct Answer – D. B

(C) introduced the twins with their nickname and real names in (E) followed by (A) mentioning the peculiarity of the twins. Continued with elaborating their peculiarity of speech in (D). As the last sentence is related to the twin’s village, thus this should be preceded by the sentence which should introduce this village, making (B) correct.

9. Which is the FIRST sentence after the arrangement?
A. C
B. B
C. E
D. D
E. A

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Correct Answer – A. C

(C) introduced the twins with their nickname and real names in (E) followed by (A) mentioning the peculiarity of the twins. Continued with elaborating their peculiarity of speech in (D). As the last sentence is related to the twin’s village, thus this should be preceded by the sentence which should introduce this village, making (B) correct.

10. Which is the THIRD sentence after the arrangement?
A. E
B. B
C. D
D. C
E. A

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Correct Answer  – E. A

(C) introduced the twins with their nickname and real names in (E) followed by (A) mentioning the peculiarity of the twins. Continued with elaborating their peculiarity of speech in (D). As the last sentence is related to the twin’s village, thus this should be preceded by the sentence which should introduce this village, making (B) correct.

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