Science and tech questions has been playing very vital role in every exams. Candidates find these questions of science and tech very relatable but find difficulty in answering science and tech questions because of lack of practice so we are providing reliable and good quality set of science and tech questions

Candidates who are preparing for different examination these Science and tech questions are very useful to know how well the preparation is going on. So here is set of some Science and tech questions.

Set of general knowledge questions on Science and tech.



Q.1 According to survival of fittest concept of natural selection one species out compete other species. Under such condition no two species can co-exist in same niche but more than one species can live in same niche under condition

  1. Abundant resources
  2. High competition
  3. Marginal Overlapping
  4. Utilization of different resources


  1. a only
  2. a and b only
  3. a, b and c
  4. d only


Q.2 Worldwide maximum cultivated transgenic crop is

  1. Insect resistance cotton
  2. Herbicide resistance soyabeans
  3. Growing plant for desired molecules
  4. Edible vaccines


Q.3 Elevated level of RBC and low affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen is an adaptation for

  1. High attitudes
  2. Poles
  3. Low attitudes
  4. Marine


Q.4 Depletion of ozone layer and formation of ozone hole in polar regions is a phenomenon occurring in the-

  1. troposphere
  2. mesosphere
  3. stratosphere
  4. thermosphere



Q.5 Sea levels are predicted to rise in the near future mainly due to

  1. sinking of landmass
  2. increased rainfall
  3. gravitational pull of the moon
  4. melting of glaciers.


  1. a only
  2. a and b only
  3. b and d only
  4. d only


Q.6 Photosynthesis in water bodies is restricted to a certain depth. This is mainly because

  1. temperature decreases with depth
  2. light intensity decreases with depth
  3. dissolved CO2 is available only to a certain depth
  4. nutrients are available only to a certain depth


  1. a only
  2. b only
  3. a, b and c
  4. d only


Q.7 Which of the following is an example of carbon-dioxide sequestration?

  1. smoke-stack emissions
  2. the injection of carbon dioxide into subsurface geologic reservoirs
  3. the reversal of global warming
  4. scrubbing carbon dioxide out of power-plant emissions


  1. a only
  2. a and b only
  3. a, b and c
  4. b only


Q.8 The “atmospheric window”:

a)allows part of Earth’s back-radiation to escape into space

b)is a seasonal hole where stratospheric ozone is reduced to near zero

c)Is a gap in the atmospheric absorption spectrum, between the absorption dominated by water vapor and carbon dioxide


  1. a only
  2. a and c
  3. 2 and 3
  4. 1, 2, and 3


Q.9 The effect of sulphate aerosols in the earth’s atmosphere is to:

  1. cause El Niño weather patterns
  2. cool global climate
  3. destroy ozone
  4. warm global climate


Q.10 Which resources are used to calculate an ecological footprint?

  1. forests
  2. water
  3. energy
  4. land


  1. a only
  2. b and d only
  3. a, b and c
  4. b only




  1. 4
  2. 2 Explanation- it is grown in 47% of total area followed by stacked traits maize and Bt cotton at 2nd and 3rd position
  3. 1 Explanation- The effects of high altitude on humans are considerable. The percentage saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen determines the content of oxygen in our blood. After the human body reaches around 2,100 m (7,000 feet) above sea level, the saturation of ox haemoglobin begins to plummet.[1] However, the human body has both short-term and long-term adaptations to altitude that allow it to partially compensate for the lack of oxygen. Athletes use these adaptations to help their performance. There is a limit to the level of adaptation; mountaineers refer to the altitudes above 8,000 metres (26,000 ft) as the “death zone”, where no human body can acclimatize.
  4. 3
  5. 4 Explanation- the process of photosynthesis depends upon the availability of light and hence in absence of light it can not occur. This is the reason for restriction of photosynthesis in water bodies up to certain depth
  6. 2
  7. 4
  8. 2
  9. 2 Explanation – The Ecological Footprint is a measure of the bioproductive area required to produce the resources we consume and assimilate the wastes we generate wherever in the world they may be located. This includes all the land we use for crops, grazing, building and growing trees for wood products as well as the waters from which we fish. In addition, there is the land used for the absorption of waste, much of which is comprised of forests for absorption of carbon dioxide.

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“Don’t look further for answers: be the solution. You were born with everything you need to know. Make a promise to stop getting in the way of the blessing that you are. Take a deep breath, remember to have fun, and begin.”


Thank you and all the best


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