Puzzle Questions With Answers

Hello Aspirants, As we all know that Puzzle is a vital part of reasoning section for every competitive exams. There are different kinds of Puzzle Questions asked in the examination.(Like – Linear Puzzle, Seating Arrangement Puzzle, Box Puzzle, Month Based Puzzle, Floor Puzzle).So here, In this article we will provide different puzzle with some questions.These Puzzle questions are important for Bank, SSC, SEBI, NABARD, RBI, LIC, and Other state exams. You can attempt these questions & boost your preparation for your examination.

In the Banking exams Reasoning Puzzle Questions asked in the Prelims as well as Mains exam.There are 3-4 Puzzle based questions asked in the mains exam (Bank).You want to score more in the Puzzle section then you should practice more and more Puzzle Questions for Bank PO.

These “Puzzle Questions” is also important for other banking exams such as SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.

Reasoning Puzzle Questions Quiz-14

Directions-(1-5)- Read the following information carefully and answer the questions.

Seven teachers of a family i.e. P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are going to attend a seminar on the seven different days of the same week namely, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday but not necessarily in the same order. Each teacher also teaches different subjects namely, Math, Hindi, Computer, Science, Reasoning, History and English but not necessarily in the same order. There is three generation gap in the family. T’s mother-in-law does not attend seminar on Wednesday. V is the husband of Q and has only two sons. V’s grandchild teaches Reasoning and attends seminar on Friday. Only one teacher attends seminar between P’s daughter and the teacher who teaches Computer. U attends seminar after S’s father. P’s wife attends seminar immediately before that teacher who teaches Computer. Only three teachers attend seminar between S’s sister-in-law and S. The teacher who teaches English attends seminar immediately after S’s mother. Only three teachers attend seminar between the teacher who teaches English and History subjects respectively. T is the mother of R. Teacher who teaches Science attends seminar immediately after the teacher who teaches Hindi. Neither V nor T’s brother teaches Hindi.

1.Who amongst the following teaches Math?
A. S’s brother
B. Q
C. T’s brother
D. P’s father
E. S

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B. Q

Monday Q Maths
Tuesday S English
Wednesday P Hindi
Thursday V Science
Friday R Reasoning
Saturday T History
Sunday U Computer

08 06 02

2.Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
A. S – Thursday
B. R – Sunday
C. P – Friday
D. Q – Friday
E. V – Saturday

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D. Q – Friday

Monday Q Maths
Tuesday S English
Wednesday P Hindi
Thursday V Science
Friday R Reasoning
Saturday T History
Sunday U Computer

08 06 02

3.Which of the following represents the day on which P’s brother-in-law attends seminar?
A. Sunday
B. Wednesday
C. Saturday
D. Tuesday
E. Thursday

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A. Sunday

Monday Q Maths
Tuesday S English
Wednesday P Hindi
Thursday V Science
Friday R Reasoning
Saturday T History
Sunday U Computer

08 06 02

4.Who amongst the following teaches Hindi?

A. P’s mother
B. T
C. S’s brother
D. S
E. Cannot be determined

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C. S’s brother

Monday Q Maths
Tuesday S English
Wednesday P Hindi
Thursday V Science
Friday R Reasoning
Saturday T History
Sunday U Computer

08 06 02

5.Based on the given arrangement, which of the following statements is true?
A. The teacher who teaches History attends seminar on Wednesday.
B. T’s father-in-law attends a seminar on Thursday.
C. Only one teacher attends seminar between Q and V.
D. T’s brother teaches Science.
E. None of the given statements is true

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B. T’s father-in-law attends a seminar on Thursday

Monday Q Maths
Tuesday S English
Wednesday P Hindi
Thursday V Science
Friday R Reasoning
Saturday T History
Sunday U Computer

08 06 02

Directions-(6-10): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions.

There are eight sports persons namely A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S. Each of them play a different game, viz Cricket, Basketball, Golf, Hockey, Baseball, Football, Badminton and Tennis, but not necessarily in the same order. Also each person play for different country namely Nepal, Japan, India, China, France, Australia, Russia, New Zealand, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are seated around a circular table facing the centre. R is a Tennis player, and sits second to the left of S, who is a Cricketer. S plays for India and sits second to left of the person who plays for Japan. A, who plays Golf, sits third to the left of P. The person play for Russia sits immediate right of the person who sits opposite to the person, who plays for Japan. The one who plays Football sits second to the right of D. D, who plays Badminton, sits second to the right of B, who cannot sit adjacent to P. C, who plays Basketball, sits between the players of Baseball and Football and he does not play for Newzeland and France. Persons play for China and Newzeland sits opposite to each other. The person plays for Australia sits opposite to the person who plays Golf.

6.Who sits Fifth to the right of the person, who plays for Australia?
A. Person plays Football .
B. Person sits immediate left of A.
C. Both (A) and (D).
D. Person plays for France.
E. Either (A) and (D).

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C. Both (A) and (D)

01June Puzz

7.Who among the following pairs represent immediate neighbours of the Badminton player?

E. None of these

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01June Puzz

8.How many persons are sitting between A and the one who plays for Russia, if counted clockwise from A?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Six

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B. Two

01June Puzz

9.Which of the following is definitely true in the context of Q?

A. Q sits second to the left of the Cricketer.
B. Q sits third to the right of A.
C. Q is a Hockey player.
D. The one who plays Golf is not an immediate neighbour of Q.
E. None of these

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E. None of these

01June Puzz

10.What is the position of B with respect to the Baseball player?
A. Fourth to the right
B. Third to the left
C. Second to the right
D. Fourth to the left
E. Second to the left

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C. Second to the right

01June Puzz


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