Reasoning Machine Input Output Questions

Logical Reasoning question on Machine Input Output. Input Output Questions asked in PO mains Exam. Reasoning Input Output Questions for Banking & Insurance Exams SBI PO/Clerk, IBPS PO/Clerk, RBI, SEBI, NABARD, LIC and other govt. exams. If you are preparing for upcoming Banking & Insurance Exams, you will come across a section on the Reasoning Ability Section. Here we are providing you Reasoning Machine Input Output Questions for Banking & Insurance Exams, based on the latest pattern of your daily practice.

In Reasoning section One of the most scoring section is Reasoning Machine Input Output. Machine Input Output Questions will help you learn concepts on important topics in Reasoning Ability Section. Reasoning Machine Input Output Questions is a major topic asked in many of the Banking Exams. You can expect a set of 5 questions from this topic. This Machine Input Output Questions can be quite easy to attempt and prove to be scoring if you have practice of all types of Machine Input Output Questions.

Reasoning Machine Input Output Questions | Set – 7

Directions:(1-5) Answer the questions based on the information given below.
A letters/letter combination arrangement machine when given an input of letters/letter combinations rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of the input and the steps of rearrangement.
Input: Guitar 51 Current 20 Table 36 28Four
Step I: 51 Guitar Current 20 Table 36 28 Four
Step II: 51 36 Guitar Current 20 Table 28 Four
Step III: 51 36 28 Guitar Current 20 Table Four
Step IV: 51 36 28 20 Guitar Current Table Four
Step V: 51 36 28 20 Four Guitar Current Table
Step VI: 51 36 28 20 Four Table Guitar Current
Step VII: 51 36 28 20 16 25 36 49
Step VIII: 8 6 12 4 10 6 6 10
(Step VIII is the last step for this input.)
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in the given questions the appropriate output step for the given input.

1.In how many steps, the following input is fully arranged?
Input: 28 At 33 Plan 55 Eat

a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
e. Six

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D. Five

By observing the output, we get
First, the numbers are arranged in decreasing order and the words are arranged in increasing order as per the
number of letters in the word.
In Step I, the highest number is arranged at the leftmost position & all left over elements are shifted to right side
of the sentence and in Step II, the next highest number is arranged at the leftmost position & all left over
elements are shifted to right side of the input and this is followed till all the numbers in the input are arranged in
the descending order. Then, the words are arranged in increasing order as per the number of letters in the word.
This pattern is followed till all the words rearranged.
In the next step the numbers are written as it is and the words are replaced by the number, which is square of
the number of letters in the word.
Then in the next step, twice of the difference between the individual digits of the number is written.
Given input: 28 At 34 Plan 56Eat
Step I: 56 28At 34 Plan Eat
Step II: 56 34 28 At Plan Eat
Step III: 56 34 28 At Eat Plan
Step IV: 56 34 28 04 09 16
Step V: 2 2 12 8 18 10
So, five steps are required to get the final output.

2.Which element is second from the right in the last step?
Input: 28 At 34 Plan 56Eat
a. 6
b. 29
c. 13
d. 18
e. 10

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D. 18

By observing the output, we get
First, the numbers are arranged in decreasing order and the words are arranged in increasing order as per the
number of letters in the word.
In Step I, the highest number is arranged at the leftmost position & all left over elements are shifted to right side
of the sentence and in Step II, the next highest number is arranged at the leftmost position & all left over
elements are shifted to right side of the input and this is followed till all the numbers in the input are arranged in
the descending order. Then, the words are arranged in increasing order as per the number of letters in the word.
This pattern is followed till all the words rearranged.
In the next step the numbers are written as it is and the words are replaced by the number, which is square of
the number of letters in the word.
Then in the next step, twice of the difference between the individual digits of the number is written.
Given input: 28 At 34 Plan 56Eat
Step I: 56 28At 34 Plan Eat
Step II: 56 34 28 At Plan Eat
Step III: 56 34 28 At Eat Plan
Step IV: 56 34 28 04 09 16
Step V: 2 2 12 8 18 10

3.If, Step II of an input is: ‘94 57 13 Objectify Maximizing 46 Protect’, which of the following will be step V?
a. 92 53 49 19 49 81 49
b. 92 57 46 13 49 81 100
c. 94 57 46 13 49 80 100
d. 94 57 46 13 48 81 100
e. 94 57 46 13 49 81 100

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E. 94 57 46 13 49 81 100

By observing the output, we get
First, the numbers are arranged in decreasing order and the words are arranged in increasing order as per the
number of letters in the word.
In Step I, the highest number is arranged at the leftmost position & all left over elements are shifted to right side
of the sentence and in Step II, the next highest number is arranged at the leftmost position & all left over
elements are shifted to right side of the input and this is followed till all the numbers in the input are arranged in
the descending order. Then, the words are arranged in increasing order as per the number of letters in the word.
This pattern is followed till all the words rearranged.
In the next step the numbers are written as it is and the words are replaced by the number, which is square of
the number of letters in the word.
Then in the next step, twice of the difference between the individual digits of the number is written.
Step II: 94 57 13 Objectify Maximizing 46Protect
Step III: 94 57 46 13 Objectify Maximizing Protect
Step IV: 94 57 46 13 Protect Objectify Maximizing
Step V: 94 57 46 13 49 81 100
The fifth step of the input is ’94 57 46 13 49 81 100.

4.Step II of an input is: “52 45 Frizzling Sachit Tranquil 23Sneha 17”
How many more steps will be required to get the output?
a. Five
b. Eight
c. Seven
d. Six
e. None of these

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C. Seven

By observing the output, we get
First, the numbers are arranged in decreasing order and the words are arranged in increasing order as per the
number of letters in the word.
In Step I, the highest number is arranged at the leftmost position & all left over elements are shifted to right side
of the sentence and in Step II, the next highest number is arranged at the leftmost position & all left over
elements are shifted to right side of the input and this is followed till all the numbers in the input are arranged in
the descending order. Then, the words are arranged in increasing order as per the number of letters in the word.
This pattern is followed till all the words rearranged.
In the next step the numbers are written as it is and the words are replaced by the number, which is square of
the number of letters in the word.
Then in the next step, twice of the difference between the individual digits of the number is written.
Step II: 52 45 Frizzling Sachit Tranquil 23Sneha 17
Step III: 52 45 23FrizzlingSachit Tranquil Sneha 17
Step IV: 52 45 23 17FrizzlingSachit Tranquil Sneha
Step V: 52 45 23 17 Sneha Frizzling Sachit Tranquil
Step VI: 52 45 23 17 Sneha Sachit Frizzling Tranquil
Step VII: 52 45 23 17SnehaSachitTranquil Frizzling
Step VIII: 52 45 23 17 25 36 64 81
Step IX: 6 2 2 12 6 6 4 14
Step IX is the output.
Thus, seven more steps are required to get the output.

5. Step III of an input is: “91 82 73 Maximizer Pumped 66 Jail Piggyback”
Which of the following is definitely the input?
a. 91 Maximizer 73 Piggyback 82 Pumped 66 jail
b. Pumped 91 Jail 82 Piggyback 73 Maximizer 66
c. Maximizer 91 Pumped 82 Piggyback 73 66 Jail
d. None of these
e. Cannot be determined

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E. Cannot be determined

Multiple possibilities will come in this case. Thus, the exact input for the given step can’t be traced back.

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Directions: (6-8) Answer the questions based on the information given below.
In a computer-generated algorithm, it re-arranges a string of elements containing words as well as numerical in a particular order. Following step-wise illustration is given, as processed by the algorithm:
Input: west can 13 dull 42 78 grill 57 koala 30
Step I: 30 can west 13 dull 42 78 grill 57 koala
Step II: 30 can 13 dull west 42 78 grill 57 koala
Step III: 30 can 13 dull 42 grill west 78 57 koala
Step IV: 30 can 13 dull 42 grill 57 koala west 78
Step V: 30 can 13 dull 42 grill 57 koala 78 west
Step VI: 30 15 13 13 42 13 57 2 78 21
Step VI is the final output of the code.
Answer the questions following the steps as given above.
If the input: “11 rack 49 east fest 17 22 jack sun 96”.

6.What is the final output of the above given input?
a. 22 21 11 21 96 12 17 12 49 16
b. 22 21 11 22 96 12 17 12 49 15
c. 22 21 11 21 96 12 17 12 49 15
d. 22 22 11 21 96 12 17 12 49 15
e. 22 22 11 22 96 12 17 12 49 15

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C. 22 21 11 21 96 12 17 12 49 15

In the given code the algorithm followed is as follows:
First the computer sorts the lowest even number and it becomes the 1st
element and the word which comes first
according to alphabetical order is placed on 2nd
Then the computer sorts the lowest odd digit number and places it on 3rd
position and the word which comes
next according to alphabetical order in ascending order is placed on 4th
This process is repeated till we get the final arrangement.
Then the words are replaced by the number corresponding to the letter succeeding the least letter of the word.
Input: 11 rack 49 east fest 17 22 jack sun 96
Step I: 22 east 11 rack 49 fest 17 jack sun 96
Step II: 22 east 11 fest rack 49 17 jack sun 96
Step III: 22 east 11 fest 96 jack rack 49 17 sun
Step IV: 22 east 11 fest 96 jack 17 rack 49 sun
Step V: 22 21 11 21 96 12 17 12 49 15
Step V is the last step of the given input.
Final step of the given input is ‘22 21 11 21 96 12 17 12 49 15’.

7.What is the step III of the above given input?
a. 22 east 11 fest 96 jack rack 49 17 sun
b. 22 east 11 fest 96 jack rack 17 sun 49
c. 22 east 11 fest 96 rack jack 49 17 sun
d. 22 east 11 jack fest 96 rack 49 17 sun
e. None of these

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A. 22 east 11 fest 96 jack rack 49 17 sun

In the given code the algorithm followed is as follows:
First the computer sorts the lowest even number and it becomes the 1st
element and the word which comes first
according to alphabetical order is placed on 2nd
Then the computer sorts the lowest odd digit number and places it on 3rd
position and the word which comes
next according to alphabetical order in ascending order is placed on 4th
This process is repeated till we get the final arrangement.
Then the words are replaced by the number corresponding to the letter succeeding the least letter of the word.
Input: 11 rack 49 east fest 17 22 jack sun 96
Step I: 22 east 11 rack 49 fest 17 jack sun 96
Step II: 22 east 11 fest rack 49 17 jack sun 96
Step III: 22 east 11 fest 96 jack rack 49 17 sun
Step IV: 22 east 11 fest 96 jack 17 rack 49 sun
Step V: 22 21 11 21 96 12 17 12 49 15
Step V is the last step of the given input.

8.Which element will be at 7th position from left for the given input in step IV?
a. jack
b. 17
c. rack
d. 49
e. None of these

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B. 17

In the given code the algorithm followed is as follows:
First the computer sorts the lowest even number and it becomes the 1st
element and the word which comes first
according to alphabetical order is placed on 2nd
Then the computer sorts the lowest odd digit number and places it on 3rd
position and the word which comes
next according to alphabetical order in ascending order is placed on 4th
This process is repeated till we get the final arrangement.
Then the words are replaced by the number corresponding to the letter succeeding the least letter of the word.
Input: 11 rack 49 east fest 17 22 jack sun 96
Step I: 22 east 11 rack 49 fest 17 jack sun 96
Step II: 22 east 11 fest rack 49 17 jack sun 96
Step III: 22 east 11 fest 96 jack rack 49 17 sun
Step IV: 22 east 11 fest 96 jack 17 rack 49 sun
Step V: 22 21 11 21 96 12 17 12 49 15
Step V is the last step of the given input.

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Directions: (9-10)Answer the questions based on the information given below
A letters/letter combination arrangement machine when given an input of letters/letter combinations rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of the input and the steps of rearrangement.
Input: body 32 41 by aim and 18 35
Step I: 18 body 32 41 by and 35 aim
Step II: 18 32 body 41 by 35 aim and
Step III: 18 32 35 41 by aim and body
Step IV: 18 32 35 41 aim and body by
Step V: 65 13 34 17 170 17 629 629
Step VI: 13 17 17 34 65 170 629 629
(Step VI is the last step for this input.)
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in the given questions the appropriate output step for the
given input ‘57 54 Doctor Temperature 41 49 Astronomy Astrologer 12 Dermatologist’.

9.How many words are there between ‘Astrologer’ and ‘57’ in Step III?
a. None
b. One
c. Two
d. Three
e. Four

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C. Two

By observing the output, we get
1. In the first step, the smallest number is placed at the left end and the smallest word in English Alphabetical order is placed at the right end.
2. In the second step, the second smallest number is placed after the smallest number and the second smallest word in English alphabetical order is placed after the smallest word.
3. The same order is continued till all the numbers and words get arranged.
4. In the last second step, the squares of 1st digit and 2nd digit are added in case of numbers. The squares of positions of 1st and last alphabets are added in case of words.
5. In the last step, all the numbers are arranged in ascending order.
Input: 57 54 Doctor Temperature 41 49 Astronomy Astrologer 12 Dermatologist
Step I: 12 57 54 Doctor Temperature 41 49 Astronomy Dermatologist Astrologer
Step II: 12 41 57 54 Doctor Temperature 49 Dermatologist Astrologer Astronomy
Step III: 12 41 49 57 54 Doctor Temperature Astrologer Astronomy Dermatologist
Step IV: 12 41 49 54 57 Temperature Astrologer Astronomy Dermatologist Doctor
Step V: 12 41 49 54 57 Astrologer Astronomy Dermatologist Doctor Temperature
Step VI: 5 17 97 41 74 325 626 416 340 425
Step VII: 5 17 41 74 97 325 340 416 425 626
Two words are there between ‘57’ and ‘Astrologer’.

10.In Step VII, the positions of how many elements remain unchanged as in Step VI?
a. Two
b. Four
c. Six
d. Three
e. None of these

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B. Four

By observing the output, we get
1. In the first step, the smallest number is placed at the left end and the smallest word in English Alphabetical order is placed at the right end.
2. In the second step, the second smallest number is placed after the smallest number and the second smallest word in English alphabetical order is placed after the smallest word.
3. The same order is continued till all the numbers and words get arranged.
4. In the last second step, the squares of 1st digit and 2nd digit are added in case of numbers. The squares of positions of 1st and last alphabets are added in case of words.
5. In the last step, all the numbers are arranged in ascending order.
Input: 57 54 Doctor Temperature 41 49 Astronomy Astrologer 12 Dermatologist
Step I: 12 57 54 Doctor Temperature 41 49 Astronomy Dermatologist Astrologer
Step II: 12 41 57 54 Doctor Temperature 49 Dermatologist Astrologer Astronomy
Step III: 12 41 49 57 54 Doctor Temperature Astrologer Astronomy Dermatologist
Step IV: 12 41 49 54 57 Temperature Astrologer Astronomy Dermatologist Doctor
Step V: 12 41 49 54 57 Astrologer Astronomy Dermatologist Doctor Temperature
Step VI: 5 17 97 41 74 325 626 416 340 425
Step VII: 5 17 41 74 97 325 340 416 425 626


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