New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO/Clerk 2018
New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO/Clerk 2018

New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions 

New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO/Clerk 2018.We saw some major changes in the pattern of Coding-Decoding questions last year. To help you all prepare for this, we are now going to provide important quiz for SBI PO/Clerk 2018 on New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions. Hope this will be very helpful for all of you to aid your preparation and getting goods marks.

ThisNew Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO/Clerk 2018 is also important for other banking exams such as SBI Clerk, SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.

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New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for SBI PO/Clerk 2018 Set-16

Direction (Q 1 – 5): Study the following information arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:
With a certain code language,
“The meeting adjourned abruptly” is written as “!e48” “@h08” “#b63” “$d80”
“Since India gained Internet” is written as “#n63” “-a35” “%i24” “%n24”
“Scientists have discovered bacteria” is written as “*a15” “#a63” “&c99” “&i99”
“Current economic scenario fine” is written as “#c63” “*i15” “#c63” “!u48”

1. What is the code for ‘gained’?

A) %i24

B) #n63

C) -a35

D) %n24

E) None of these

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C) -a35

The pattern for this coding is-

  1. Each symbol is denoted by number of words like “For eight letter words is # For six letter words is –“
  1. Each alphabet is a second letter of the each word like “For meeting – e and For have – a”
  1. Each number is stands for total number of words square – 1 like

“bacteria – number of words = 8 = 8^2 – 1 = 64 – 1 = 63

adjourned – number of words = 9 = 9^2 – 1 = 81 – 1 =80”


2. What is the code for ‘Since meeting fine’?

A) “*a15 !e48 *i15”

B) b) “%i24 @h08 *i15”

C) c) “%i24 !e48 *#c63”

D) d) “%i24 !e48 *i15”

E) None of these

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D). “%i24 !e48 *i15”

The pattern for this coding is-

  1. Each symbol is denoted by number of words like “For eight letter words is # For six letter words is –“
  1. Each alphabet is a second letter of the each word like “For meeting – e and For have – a”
  1. Each number is stands for total number of words square – 1 like

“bacteria – number of words = 8 = 8^2 – 1 = 64 – 1 = 63

adjourned – number of words = 9 = 9^2 – 1 = 81 – 1 =80”

3.  What does “&c99 @i99 #n63 @h08” stand for?

A) sine India have fine

B) The scientists discovered internet

C) meeting gained the economic

C) current meeting have internet

D) Cannot be determined

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B) The scientists discovered internet

The pattern for this coding is-

  1. Each symbol is denoted by number of words like “For eight letter words is # For six letter words is –“
  1. Each alphabet is a second letter of the each word like “For meeting – e and For have – a”
  1. Each number is stands for total number of words square – 1 like

“bacteria – number of words = 8 = 8^2 – 1 = 64 – 1 = 63

adjourned – number of words = 9 = 9^2 – 1 = 81 – 1 =80”

4. What could be the code for ‘economic internet’?

A) #n63 #c63

B) %i24 *a15

C) !e48 #n63

D) #c63 –a35

E) None of these

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A) #n63 #c63

The pattern for this coding is-

  1. Each symbol is denoted by number of words like “For eight letter words is # For six letter words is –“
  1. Each alphabet is a second letter of the each word like “For meeting – e and For have – a”
  1. Each number is stands for total number of words square – 1 like

“bacteria – number of words = 8 = 8^2 – 1 = 64 – 1 = 63

adjourned – number of words = 9 = 9^2 – 1 = 81 – 1 =80”

5. What is the code for ‘Current’?

A) #c63

B) *i15

C) @h08

D) #n63

E) !u48

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E) !u48

The pattern for this coding is-

  1. Each symbol is denoted by number of words like “For eight letter words is # For six letter words is –“
  1. Each alphabet is a second letter of the each word like “For meeting – e and For have – a”
  1. Each number is stands for total number of words square – 1 like

“bacteria – number of words = 8 = 8^2 – 1 = 64 – 1 = 63

adjourned – number of words = 9 = 9^2 – 1 = 81 – 1 =80”

Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions In a certain code language

“Giving more emphasis are” is written as “BQ16+, UT12!, KL08&, NQ09*.

” Make works as interesting ” is written as ” IR08!, LP33&, VY15+, MW04*.

“Lazy and intolerant attitude ” is written as “ZW09!, RA20*, UG16&, KD08#.

” Knowledge sharing must be ” is written as ” QB21!, XL08# , TC04&, JT27*.

6. What is the code for ‘Knowledge’ in the given code language?

A) QB21!

B) IR08!

C) JT27*

D) TC04&

E) XL08#

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C) JT27*

The logic for all the above code is: There is the count of the total letter in the word is

If it is odd number multiply with 3 (are – 3 ×3 =09)

If it is even number multiply with 2 (must – 4 × 2 = 08)

And rest of the word includes two letter and one symbol and can be anything.

7. What is the code for ‘Giving attitude’ in the given code language?

A) BQ16+, MW04

B) UT12!, ZW09!

C) UT12!, RA20*

D) KL08&, UG16&

E) UT12!, UG16&

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E) UT12!, UG16&

The logic for all the above code is: There is the count of the total letter in the word is

If it is odd number multiply with 3 (are – 3 ×3 =09)

If it is even number multiply with 2 (must – 4 × 2 = 08)

And rest of the word includes two letter and one symbol and can be anything.

8. What may be the possible code for ‘more interesting knowledge’ in the given code language?

A) IR08!, KL08&, JT27*

B) LP33&, KL08&, BQ16+

C) ZW09!, VY15+, JT27*

D) LP33&, KL08&, JT27*

E) ZW09!, KL08&, JT27*

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D) LP33&, KL08&, JT27*

The logic for all the above code is: There is the count of the total letter in the word is

If it is odd number multiply with 3 (are – 3 ×3 =09)

If it is even number multiply with 2 (must – 4 × 2 = 08)

And rest of the word includes two letter and one symbol and can be anything.

9. What may be the possible code for ‘be intolerant’ in the given code language?

A) TC04&, RA20*

B) QB21!, UG16&

C) XL08#, KD08#

D) QB21!, ZW09!

E) JT27*, ZW09!

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A) TC04&, RA20*

The logic for all the above code is: There is the count of the total letter in the word is

If it is odd number multiply with 3 (are – 3 ×3 =09)

If it is even number multiply with 2 (must – 4 × 2 = 08)

And rest of the word includes two letter and one symbol and can be anything.

10. What is the code for ‘works lazy’ in the given code language?

A) UG16&, LP33&

B) KD08#, VY15+

C) ZW09!, IR08!

D) RA20*, MW04*

E) UG16&, LP33&

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B) KD08#, VY15+

The logic for all the above code is: There is the count of the total letter in the word is

If it is odd number multiply with 3 (are – 3 ×3 =09)

If it is even number multiply with 2 (must – 4 × 2 = 08)

And rest of the word includes two letter and one symbol and can be anything.

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