Polity Questions

Polity questions has been playing very vital role in every exams. Candidates find these questions of Polity very relatable but find difficulty in answering Polity questions because of lack of practice so we are providing reliable and good quality set of Polity questions

Candidates who are preparing for different examination these Polity questions are very useful to know how well the preparation is going on. So here is set of some Indian Polity questions.

Set of general knowledge questions on Polity.




Q –1. Recommendations of the Ashok Mehta committee on panchayati Raj institution.    

(1)  Creation of two–tier system

(2) Reservation of seats for SCs and STs

(3) Compulsory powers of taxation to panchayati Raj institutions.

(4) Open participation of political parties in panchayat.


(A 1 and 4

(B 2 and 4

(C All of the above

(D None of the above.


Q–2  Consider the following statement regarding Balwant ray Mehta committee on the panchayati Raj. Committee reported some recommendations are

(1) Establishment of a three – tier panchayti Raj system.

(2) The village panchayat should be constituted with directly elected representatives.

(3) Panchayat Samiti and Zila parishad should be constituted with directly elected representaives.

(4) The panchayat Samiti should be the executive body while the zila parishad should be the advisory coordinating and supervisory body.

Select the correct statement 

(A) 1, 2, 3

(B) 2 and 4

(C)  4 only

(D)  All of the above.


Q–3  Which of the following statement regarding Panchayati Raj system is correct

(1) Rajasthan was the first state to establishid the institution of panchayati Raj

(2) The scheme of Panchayati Raj was inaugurated by the then prime minister Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru on oct 2, 1959. in Nagaur district.

(3) Rajasthan adopted three tier–system.

(4) Balwant Raj Mehta committee recommended for Naya Panchayat as a seperate bodies.

Which of the following statements is/are correct

(A) 1 2 and 3

(B) 2 and 3

(C) 3 and 4

(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4.


Q–4  Which of the following statements is not correct about Panchayati Raj reform?

(1)   G.V.K Rao was appointed by the planning commission in 1985 recommended for the creation of of district Development Commissioner as the chief executive officer of the zila parishad.

(2)    B.R Mehta, recommended for the constitutional status to panchayat samitis

Select incorrect statement

(A) only 1

(B) only 2

(C)  1 and 2 both

(D) None of the above.


Q –5 Eleventh schedule of Indian constitution is related with

      (A) Languages

(B) Ant defection laws

(C) Urban local Government

(D) Panchayat Raj development


Q –6 Article 243 to Article 243(O) deals with

(A) The panchayats.

(B) The Municipalities.

(C) Only panchayat samitis.

(D) Only Naya panchayat.


Q–7  Which of the following is correct about urban local Government in India.

(A) 12th schedule deals with municipalities listed 18 function.

(B) Part XI-A of constitution is related to municipalities.

(C) Ministry of urban development created as a separate ministry in 1985.

(D) The municipalities consists provision of article 243-P to 243-ZG in constitution of India

Which statements are correct.

(A) Only 1 and 2

(B) 2 and 3

(C) 4 and 2

(D) All of the above


Q –8 Which of the following statements in relation to the Election commission is correct

  1. Superintendence, direction and control of elections to be vested in an Election commission.
  2. The Election commission shall consists of the chief election commissioner and such other member if any fined and the appointed by the president.
  3.  President may also appoint after consultation with election commission of India such Regional Commissioners.
  4. The Legislature of a state may from time to time make provision with respect to all matters in connections with, the election to the house or either house of the Legislature.

Which of the following statement is/are correct. 

(A) 1 and 2

(B) 3 and 4

(C) 2, 3, 4

(D) All


Q –9 Consider following statements.

  1. Validity of any law relating to the delimitation of constituencies or the allotment of seats of constituencies, shall not be called in questions in any court.
  2. No election to either house of parliament or to the house or either house of the legislature of a state shall be called in questions except by an election petition.

Select correct statements given above.

(A)  1 only 2

(B)  only 2

(C) None

(D) only 1


Q –10  Consider the following statements

  1. Parliament or a state legislature should keep within the domain to it and one should not trespass into the domain reserved for the other
  2. Legislation will be invalid even if it incidentally trenches or encroaches on matters which have been assigned to another legislature.

Select the correct answers.

(A) only A

(B) only b

(C) None

(D) Both a and b






  1. Ans– (C)explanation– In December 1977, a committee on panchayati Raj institution under the chairmanship of Ashok Mehta constitutions that submitted its report in 1978.
  2. Ans– (D) explanation– Balwant Rai Mehta committees report in 1957 was the first step towards decentralization of democratic system of governance.
  3. Ans– (A)explanation– Naya Panchayats constitution as a seprate body is recommend by the Ashok Mehta committee in 1978.
  4. Ans– (C)explanation–M Singhvi recommended for the constitutional status of panchayati Raj system in 1986.
  5. Ans– (D)explanation– 29 function related to panchayati Raj is listed under schedule 11 of Indian constitution added by 73rdamendment Act 1992 w.e.f-24-4-93.
  6. Ans– (A)explanation– 73rdamendment Act of 1992 added part XI of constitution that exclusively deals with panchayati Raj system.
  7. Ans– ()explanation– Municipalities related function has been conferred constitutional status in India by 74thamendment Act, of 1992 w.e.f 1stJune 1993.
  8. Ans– (D)explanation– Article 324 and Article 328 is related with Election commission and power of legislature of a state to make provision with respect to such legislature respectively.
  9. Ans– (A) explanation– Article 329 provide bar to interference by courts in electoral matters.
  10. Ans– (A)explanation– If the legislation is valid in all other aspects, it will not be invalidated only it encroaches the domain of other legislations.
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