Polity Questions


Polity questions has been playing very vital role in every exams. Candidates find these questions of Polity very relatable but find difficulty in answering Polity questions because of lack of practice so we are providing reliable and good quality set of Polity questions

Candidates who are preparing for different examination these Polity questions are very useful to know how well the preparation is going on. So here is set of some Indian Polity questions.

Set of general knowledge questions on Polity.





Q –1    Consider the following statements about preamble in Indian constitution?

  1. The preamble sets out the aims and aspirations of the people, and these have been translated into various provisions of constitution.
  2. We the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, Socialist Secular Democratic republic social economic and political.
  3. In our constitutions Assembly this twenty-sixth day of January 1950, do hereby ADOPT and GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

Which of the above statements given above is/are correct?

A. only 1 and 2

B. only 2

C. 1 and 3

D. only 3.


Q –2 Which of the following statements given below regarding fundamental rights in Indian constitution is NOT correct?

  1. Fundamental rights are magna carta of India, considered as the “most criticized part” by Dr. Ambedkar.
  2. Fundamental rights is the very foundation and cornerstone of the democratic way of life ushered in this country by the constitution.
  3. Fundamental rights can be enjoyed exclusively by citizen of India only.
  4. Fundamental rights represent the basic values cherished by the people of this country since Vedic times and they are calculated to protect the dignity of the Individual and create conditions in which every human beings can develop his personality to the fullest intent.

Which of the following statements is/are NOT CORRECT?

(A) 1 and 2

(B) 2 and 3

(C) 1, 2 and 3

(D) only 3.



Q –3 Consider the following statements regarding fundamental rights of Article 14 of Indian constitution?

  1. “Equality before law” is somewhat negative concept implying the absence of any special privilege in favour of individuals to the ordinary law.
  2. “Equal protection of law” is more positive concept implying equality of treatments in equal circumstances. The rule is that like should be treated alike and not that unlike should be treated alike.

Select correct answers.

A. only 1.

B. 1 and 2 both.

C. A both are correct.

D. Neither 1 nor 2 are correct.


Q–4 Which of the following rights are not included under Article 19 of Indian constitution?

  1. Freedom of Assembly peacefully.
  2. Freedom to form cooperative society.
  3. Freedom to reside and to settle any where in India.
  4. Freedom to form company and partnership firm.


A. 1, 2 and 3.

B. 1, 2 and 4.

C. 1, 2, 3 and 4.

D. 3 and 4.


Q–5     Which of the case given below define “Right against bondage” under the ambit of Article 21 by Supreme Court of India?

  1. PUCL v UOI, 2000.
  2. Sheela Basra V UOI, 1982
  3. PUDR V UOI, 1978
  4. Maneka Gandhi V UOI, 1978


Q–6 The supreme court took serious note of custodial violence and death in police lock-up. It laid down various guidelines to be following in all cases of arrest or detention. The case was:

  1. K Basa V State of W.B, 1997.
  2. Gian Kaur U State of Punjab , 1996.
  3. C) PUCL v UOI, 2000.
  4. Sunil Batra V Delhi Administration 1980.


Q –7The president can summon for a joint sitting of both house of parliament in case of disagreement between the two houses in the following ways:  If after a Bill has been passed by one house and transmitted to the other house–

  1. The Bill is rejected by the House.
  2. The houses have finally disagreed about the amendments to be made in the Bill.
  3. More than six months have elapsed from the date of the reception of the Bill by the other House without the Bill being passed by it.
  4. The president presides the joint sitting of both house.

Select correct statements:

  1. 1, 2 and 3
  2. 3 and 4
  3. 1 and 3
  4. 2 and 3.


Q –8 Consider the following statements regarding to Directive principles of state policy?

  1. The Directive principles of state policy do not impose positive obligations on the state.
  2. So long as there is no law carrying out the Directives neither the state nor the individual can violate any existing law or right under the colour of following the Directives.
  3. Courts are not competent to compel the Government to carry out any Directive principle.

Which of the above statements above are correct?

  1. 1, 2 and 3
  2. 1 and 2
  3. 1 and 3
  4. 2 and 3


Q–9 Who called Directive principles as a “cheque on a bank payable at the convenience of the bank”.

  1. B.R Ambedkar
  2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. L Nehru
  4. T Shah.

Q –10  Protection of Environment is a.

  1. Constitutional Duty
  2. Directive principle
  3. Fundamental Duty
  4. Both b and c


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  1. Ans– (A)explanation– Constitutions adopted and enacted on 26 Nov 1949 and promulgated on 26 Nov 1950.
  2. Ans– (D)explanation– Only Article 15, 16, 19, 29 and 30 are exclusively enjoyed by citizen and other fundamental rights conferred rights universally.
  3. Ans– (B)explanation– Article 14 reads. “The state shall not deny any person equality before law of the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.”
  4. Ans– (A)explanation– Rights related to form company and partnership are statutory rights deals by company act 2013 and partnership Act 1932 respectively.
  5. Ans– (C)explanation– Right against bondage, is case is also known as a Bandhna makti morcha case.
  6. Ans– (A)explanation–k Basra guidelines was implemented with some exceptions.
  7. Ans– (A)explanation– The joint sitting presided by the speaker, deputy speaker or chairman or Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha or a person chosen by the MP may preside in the same order.
  8. Ans– (D) explanation– The Directive principles are not-justifiable i.e. can’t be enforced by the courts they are declaratory contain positive commands. They contain negative injunctions to the state not to do various things.
  9. Ans– (D)explanation– It is a critical statements made by KT Shah about DPS policy.
  10. Ans– (D)explanation– Article 48A was inserted by 42ndamendment and 51A (g) of fundamental Duties that also added by 42 nd amendment speaks about protection of environment protection.


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