Number Series Questions
Hello Aspirants, As we all know that Number Series Questions is a important part of quantitative aptitude section for every competitive exams.Different kind of Number Series questions asked in every competitative exam. (Like – Wrong Term Number Series, Missing Number Series).So here, In this article we will provide different Number Series questions.These Quant Number Series questions are important for Bank, SSC, SEBI, NABARD, RBI, LIC, and Other state exams. You can attempt these questions & boost your preparation for your examination.
What is Number Series?
Number series is a form of numbers in a certain sequence, where some numbers are mistakenly put into the series of numbers and some number is missing in that series, we need to observe first and then find the accurate number to that series of numbers.
In the Banking exams Number Series questions asked in the Prelims as well as Mains exam.There are 5 Number Series Questions asked in the Prelims exam (Bank).You want to score more in the Number Series section then you should practice more and more Quant Series questions.
Number Series Questions Quiz-10
1.What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
4, 17, 40, 71, 108, ?
A. 152
B. 139
C. 149
D. 120
E. 102
2. What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
5, 18, 57, 174, ?
A. 625
B. 525
C. 620
D. 520
E. None of these
3. Find the missing number in the following series:
17, 38, 80, 164, ?
A. 322
B. 422
C. 632
D. 332
E. None of these
4. Find the missing number in the following series:
6, 14, 45, 184, ?
A. 925
B. 919
C. 923
D. 927
E. None of these
5. Find the missing number in the following series:
24, 10, 8, 10, 18, ?
A. 36
B. 47
C. 39
D. 43
E. 45
6. What will come to the place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
11, 29, 65, 137,?, 569
A. 278
B. 254
C. 281
D. 277
E. 288
7. What will come to the place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
45, 49, 40, 56, 31,?
A. 69
B. 67
C. 71
D. 79
E. 77
8. Find the wrong term in the following number series-
7, 6, 10, 27, ?, 515
A. 110
B. 106
C. 99
D. 104
E. 94
9. Find the wrong term in the following number series-
3, 18, 35, 56, 83,?
A. 120
B. 118
C. 115
D. 116
E. 121.5
10. Find the wrong term in the following number series-
6, 5, 7, 12.5, 27, ?
A. 67
B. 69
C. 67.5
D. 62.5
E. 69.5
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