Nuclear Power Plants in India

A nuclear power plant in India is quite a good topic that is asked again and again by each and every government examination. So by seeing the importance of nuclear power plants in India topic’s importance we have come up with  very easy to understand  notes on Nuclear power plants in India.

Nuclear power plants are majorly use for energy production that later can be use in electricity which is a big issue in India. First look at some of the energy sources in India.

There are mainly two types of energy sources :-


  • Thermal energy received from Coal, and Gas mostly (69.8%)
  • Nuclear energy (1.9%)

   Renewable sources

  • Solar (1%)
  • Wind (8.6%)
  • Hydro (14.4%)
  • Biogas

India is 3rd largest producer and 4th largest consumer of electricity. India also has 5th largest installed capacity in the world.

India’s target for this 12th five year plan is addition of 88.5 GW.

Wind energy is to contribute 60GW and solar power at 100 GW by 2022. The target for renewable energy has been raised to 175GW up to 2022.

100 percent FDI is allowed through automatic route for energy and renewable energy in India.

Nuclear energy

  • Nuclear power in India is the 4th source of electricity by 2016 India have a total of 21 reactors with 7 power plants.
  • India’s and Asia’s first nuclear reactor was the Apsara research reactor. Designed and built in India, with assistance and fuel from the United Kingdom
  • It’s a cheap source but fuel for this power plant is uranium and it’s capacity is around 70k tones ,its alternative source is thorium which India have around 3,60k tones.

7 major nuclear power plants in India.

nuclear power plants in india

Rajasthan:-  Ravatbhatta power plant with a total capacity of 2580MW

Gujarat:- kakrapara power plant with a total capacitu of 1840MW

Maharashtra:- tarapur power plant with a total capacity of 1400 MW(oldest)

Karnataka :- kaiga power plant with a capacity of880MW

Tamil nadu:-two poer plant:- kallpakkam(940MW) and kudnakullam(9200mw)(maximum)

Uttarpardesh:- Narnoura power plant with a capacity of 440MW(minimum)

  • J.Bhabha father of Indian nuclear power.
  • Uranium is the basic source and thus we know it is very less in stock so thorium is taken as alternative source. Thorium 232 is converted by neutrons bombarding into uranium 233. To control this process moderator are used like heavy water etc.
  • Nuclear energy commission:- decides the export of nuclear to a country through Nuclear proliferation treaty. India is not part of NPT.
  • In India atomic energy department is regulator which is headed by Prime minister.
  • India has followed three stage nuclear energy programs.

india three stage nuclear programme


Detailed explanation of stages

indian nuclear power programme 3 638

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