Error Spotting & Sentence Improvement Quiz

New Pattern Error Spotting Quiz. Error Spotting Questions with Answers for All Banking and Insurance Exams i.e. SBI PO/Clerk, IBPS PO/Clerk, NABARD, RBI, SEBI Grade A & B, LIC AAO, and Other Exams 2020-21. Spotting Error & Sentence Improvement Quiz based on previous year exams. If you are preparing for Banking and Insurance Exams, you will come across a section on the English language. Here we are providing you Error Spotting Questions with Answers, based on the latest pattern of your daily practice.

Error Spotting Questions with Answers will help you learn concepts on important topics in English Section. This “Error Spotting Questions with Answers for Bank Exams” is also important for all competitive exams.

Error Spotting Questions with Answers | Set-5

1. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.
A. The authors of the study hope their research findings will help prevent others from dying of the disease.
B. Ancient Egyptians regarded the heart as the center of intelligence and emotion.
C. Most post offices do not have a no monopoly in parcels, so margins are thinner.
D. The child almost fell off his chair, but his mother grabbed his arm at the last second, and saved him.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – C. Most post offices do not have a no monopoly in parcels, so margins are thinner.

Explanation: In (c) remove NO used before MONOPOLY, because the sentence uses double negative NOT and NO together. Using two negatives turns the thought or sentence into a positive one, and thus makes the sentence incorrect

2. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.
A. If your friends try to persuade you to break the law, you should consider making new friends.
B. People voted for the president because they believed he was a man of integrity.
C. One of the best ways to enhance your vocabulary is by reading and discovering new words.
D. There is a Czech proverb which advises us to consider each day of our life as the best.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – D. There is a Czech proverb which advises us to consider each day of our life as the best.

Explanation:In (d) replace AS with TO BE, because we don’t use the preposition AS with CONSIDER. “CONSIDER…TO BE” is used to tell the reader how others consider a thing. The correct construction is ‘Consider + object + to be’.

3. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.

A. The biggest offering in America so far this year has been that of PagSeguro Digital, a Brazilian e-commerce platform
B. Law students have been saying since years that America’s legal education is broken.
C. Jane’s prejudice led her to dislike Mary simply because of the colour of her skin.
D. Many wild cats silently stalk their prey rather than openly pursue them.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – B. Law students have been saying since years that America’s legal education is broken.  

Explanation: In (b) replace SINCE with FOR. Using the present perfect, we can define a period of time before now by considering its duration, with FOR + A PERIOD OF TIME, or by considering its starting point, with SINCE + A POINT IN TIME. FOR and SINCE can also both be used with the past perfect. FOR can also be used with the simple past, as in this sentence whereas SINCE can only be used with perfect tenses.

4. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.
A. A local development project in the area has resulted in the construction of a small school and health clinic.
B. Even in this age of high technology, the popularity of hunting and fishing remains constant.
C. When a snow day was announced, the students were ecstatic to miss a day of school.
D. Typical fourth grade Math tests include problems with fractions and whole numbers
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – E. No Error

Explanation: All the sentences are correct.

5. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.

A.  I am expecting that he’ll be wearing that bright green pants with a long robe.
B. Carrying around the compact tablet was much easier than lugging around a heavy laptop.
C. During the Olympics, our country will be represented by a squad of elite professional basketball players.
D. We are going to create new jobs by bringing in new products and services to the community.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – A. I am expecting that he’ll be wearing that bright green pants with a long robe.

Explanation: In (a) replace I AM EXPECTING with I EXPECT. EXPECT means ‘think’ or ‘suppose’ and when it has this meaning, we do not use it in the continuous form, thus the continuous form AM EXPECTING will not be used.

6. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.

A.  Strangely enough, no one seemed to notice that Boris was in his pyjamas
B. Better cycle routes would mean fewer cars and fewer accidents.
C. Mount Tambora, a volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, was once similar in stature to Mont Blanc.
D. A least environmentally damaging power source is also the most expensive.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – D. A least environmentally damaging power source is also the most expensive.

Explanation: We use the quantifier LEAST to talk about quantities, amounts and degree. (THE) LEAST is the superlative form of little. We use THE LEAST to make the superlative forms of longer adjectives and the majority of adverbs, thus A LEAST is incorrect in this context.

7. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.
A. People are more likely to take climate change seriously if they can understand the economic consequences for their own lives.
B. A cynic, says one of Oscar Wilde’s characters, is a man who knows the price of everything and value of nothing.
C. Between April 13th and April 18th America’s biggest banks reported a strong set of first-quarter earnings, with a helping hand from the taxman.
D. The shift in America’s fiscal outlook has been swift.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – B. A cynic, says one of Oscar Wilde’s characters, is a man who knows the price of everything and value of nothing.

Explanation:In (b) add THE before “value of nothing”, in order to form a parallelism between “the price of everything” and “the value of nothing”. This makes option B correct.

8. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.
A. Ocado, a British online grocer, receives around 10,000 e-mails from customers every day and uses AI to detect the prevailing sentiment in them.
B. India’s economy today is growing at a world-beating pace.
C. Perennial domestic weakness, and America’s recent protectionist turn, make it hard for India to sell more abroad.
D. Exporters across the economy are being squeezed by the poor implementation of a goods-and-services tax that came into force last July.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – E. No Error

Explanation: All the sentences are correct.

9. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.
A. It took long for a taikonaut to join the list of cosmonauts and astronauts who have gone into orbit around Earth and ventured beyond that, to the Moon.
B. Homes, offices, colleges and schools around the world have installed Wi-Fi equipment to blanket their premises with wireless access to the internet.
C. Both America and the Soviet Union used modified missiles to launch their satellites and spacemen in the early days.
D. The protesters who have overturned the politics of Ukraine have many aspirations for their country.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer – A. It took long for a taikonaut to join the list of cosmonauts and astronauts who have gone into orbit around Earth and ventured beyond that, to the Moon.

Explanation: In (a) replace IT TOOK LONG FOR with IT TOOK A LONG TIME FOR. This is because we don’t use LONG on its own in affirmative clauses. We use (FOR) A LONG TIME in affirmative clauses like “It took a long time for a taikonaut to join the list of cosmonauts”.

10. In the following question, there are four sentences. Identify the sentence that is incorrect in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option. If all the sentences are correct then choose (e) ‘No Error’ as your answer.
A. Some 71% of Britons think the world is getting worse; only 5% think it is improving.
B. Let’s take some time out from discussing debt crises and financial regulation to talk about something really important: theme parks.
C. When I grew up AI was an acronym used in animal husbandry, but I know our firm needs to make mid-size bets on new technologies like artificial intelligence.
D. Lily Rabe is truly one of the most exciting young talents in theatre right now and I am always looking forward to see her inhabit a new character.
E. No Error

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Correct Answer  – D. Lily Rabe is truly one of the most exciting young talents in theatre right now and I am always looking forward to see her inhabit a new character.

Explanation:LOOK FORWARD TO (something) means to be pleased or excited that it is going to happen. The ‘to’ in look forward to is a preposition, so we must follow it by a noun phrase or a verb in the -ing form, thus SEE should be replaced with SEEING.


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