New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for Bank Exam
New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for Bank Exam

New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions 

New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for Bank Exam 2018.We saw some major changes in the pattern of Coding-Decoding questions last year. To help you all prepare for this, we are now going to provide important quiz for SBI Clerk on New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions. Hope this will be very helpful for all of you to aid your preparation and getting goods marks.

ThisNew Pattern Coding Decoding Questions is also important for other banking exams such as SBI Clerk, SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.

New Pattern Coding Decoding Questions for Bank Exam: Set -15

Directions:(1-5) In a certain language.

“Everyday being second chance” is coded as “F5D  F20S  D2A  T15N”,

“Never repeat your mistakes” is coded as “Z7F  S2A  N6E  Q4C”,

“Money cannot buy happiness” is coded as “R11J  D17P  X12K  X23V”,

“Inhale courage breathe fear” is coded as “G12K  D2A  J4C  D3B”.

1.What is the code for “You should learn fast”?

A “F20S D17P J4C Z7F”
B “T4C T15N M2A G14M”
C “R11J D3B X12K V26Y”
D “T11J G17O D12L P17Q”
E “T4C T15N L10J P17Q”
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B. “T4C T15N M2A G14M”

Following rules have been applied for obtaining codes of different words-

For the first alphabet in the code:

If number of letters in the word is even, letter succeeding the first letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

If number of letters in the word is odd, letter preceding the last letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

For the number in the code: Difference between alphabetical position numbers of the first and last letters in the word.

For the last alphabet in the code: Letter which precedes the letter appearing at the above obtained number position in the alphabetical series.

For example: MONEY

Since it is a 5 letter word, Y – 1 = X

25 (Y) – 13 (M) = 12

12 – 1 = 11 (K)

So, the code for MONEY is X12K.

Thus, the code for “You should learn fast” is “T4C  T15N  M2A  G14M”.

2.How is the word “Activism” coded in the given language?

A B12K
B Z13L
C N14M
D A15N
E B14M
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A B12K




Following rules have been applied for obtaining codes of different words-

For the first alphabet in the code:

If number of letters in the word is even, letter succeeding the first letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

If number of letters in the word is odd, letter preceding the last letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

For the number in the code: Difference between alphabetical position numbers of the first and last letters in the word.

For the last alphabet in the code: Letter which precedes the letter appearing at the above obtained number position in the alphabetical series.

For example: MONEY

Since it is a 5 letter word, Y – 1 = X

25 (Y) – 13 (M) = 12

12 – 1 = 11 (K)

So, the code for MONEY is X12K.

Thus, the code for “Activism” is “B12K”.

3.How is the word “Powerful Warrior” coded in the given language?

E None of these
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C. Q4C Q5D

Following rules have been applied for obtaining codes of different words-

For the first alphabet in the code:

If number of letters in the word is even, letter succeeding the first letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

If number of letters in the word is odd, letter preceding the last letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

For the number in the code: Difference between alphabetical position numbers of the first and last letters in the word.

For the last alphabet in the code: Letter which precedes the letter appearing at the above obtained number position in the alphabetical series.

For example: MONEY

Since it is a 5 letter word, Y – 1 = X

25 (Y) – 13 (M) = 12

12 – 1 = 11 (K)

So, the code for MONEY is X12K.

Thus, the code for “Powerful warrior” is “Q4C  Q5D”.

4.How is “Try Something New” coded in the given language?

A “V9H X5D F12K”
B “R20S T7F E23V”
C “G24X S19T O14X”
D “R19H M14O X25S”
E Cannot be determined
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A.  “V9H X5D F12K”

Following rules have been applied for obtaining codes of different words-

For the first alphabet in the code:

If number of letters in the word is even, letter succeeding the first letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

If number of letters in the word is odd, letter preceding the last letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

For the number in the code: Difference between alphabetical position numbers of the first and last letters in the word.

For the last alphabet in the code: Letter which precedes the letter appearing at the above obtained number position in the alphabetical series.

For example: MONEY

Since it is a 5 letter word, Y – 1 = X

25 (Y) – 13 (M) = 12

12 – 1 = 11 (K)

So, the code for MONEY is X12K.

Thus, the code for “Try something new” is “F12K V9H  X5D”.

5.How is the word “Complexity” coded in the given language?

A D22U
B D25X
C Z26Y
D X22Z
E E24W
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A. D22U

Following rules have been applied for obtaining codes of different words-

For the first alphabet in the code:

If number of letters in the word is even, letter succeeding the first letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

If number of letters in the word is odd, letter preceding the last letter of the word in the alphabetical series.

For the number in the code: Difference between alphabetical position numbers of the first and last letters in the word.

For the last alphabet in the code: Letter which precedes the letter appearing at the above obtained number position in the alphabetical series.

For example: MONEY

Since it is a 5 letter word, Y – 1 = X

25 (Y) – 13 (M) = 12

12 – 1 = 11 (K)

So, the code for MONEY is X12K.

Thus, the word “Complexity” is coded as “D22U” in the given language.

Directions:(6-10) Answer the questions based on the information given below

In a certain coded language,

‘Trees grow par level’ is coded as ‘P15R, Q14V, U19I, J7N’

‘Friend is group’ is coded as ‘N11I, B2H, Q17K’

‘Lay down here’ is coded as ‘L10F, W22N, C1J’

6.As per the given rule what is the code for ‘Namibia’?

B C13L
E None of these.
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A. Y6P

Here each word is coded as follows:

The first word of the code for a corresponding word is the alphabet preceding 2 places to the last letter of the word in English Alphabetical order.

The last letter of the word for a corresponding word is the alphabet succeeding 2 places to the first word of the word in English Alphabetical order.

The number in the middle of code is the absolute value of the difference of the position of the last alphabet for a word in English Alphabetical order and the number of alphabets in each corresponding word.

For example:

Trees: The first alphabet of the code is Q, which is preceding 2 places to S. The last alphabet of the code is V, which is succeeding 2 places to T.

The number is: 19(position of S) – 5(number of letters) = 14


Namibia is coded as ‘Y6P’.


7.What is the code for ‘Happy for you’?

A W18I M14G T19Z
B W22J P16H S15A
C W20J P15H S18A
D V18I M15H T19Z
E None of these.
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C. W20J P15H S18A

Here each word is coded as follows:

The first word of the code for a corresponding word is the alphabet preceding 2 places to the last letter of the word in English Alphabetical order.

The last letter of the word for a corresponding word is the alphabet succeeding 2 places to the first word of the word in English Alphabetical order.

The number in the middle of code is the absolute value of the difference of the position of the last alphabet for a word in English Alphabetical order and the number of alphabets in each corresponding word.

For example:

Trees: The first alphabet of the code is Q, which is preceding 2 places to S. The last alphabet of the code is V, which is succeeding 2 places to T.

The number is: 19(position of S) – 5(number of letters) = 14


Happy for you is coded as W20J P15H S18 A

8.What is the code for ‘Movies’?

A Q14J
B P13M
C Q13O
D R15J
E None of these
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C. Q13O

Here each word is coded as follows:

The first word of the code for a corresponding word is the alphabet preceding 2 places to the last letter of the word in English Alphabetical order.

The last letter of the word for a corresponding word is the alphabet succeeding 2 places to the first word of the word in English Alphabetical order.

The number in the middle of code is the absolute value of the difference of the position of the last alphabet for a word in English Alphabetical order and the number of alphabets in each corresponding word.

For example:

Trees: The first alphabet of the code is Q, which is preceding 2 places to S. The last alphabet of the code is V, which is succeeding 2 places to T.

The number is: 19(position of S) – 5(number of letters) = 14


Movies is coded as ‘Q13O’


9.What is the code for ‘Thanks for the treat’?

A Q13V P15H C2V R15V
B Q12R P15H D3N S15S
C P13V R14G C2W R15S
D P13R Q15G D3V S15V
E None of these
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A. Q13V P15H C2V R15V

Here each word is coded as follows:

The first word of the code for a corresponding word is the alphabet preceding 2 places to the last letter of the word in English Alphabetical order.

The last letter of the word for a corresponding word is the alphabet succeeding 2 places to the first word of the word in English Alphabetical order.

The number in the middle of code is the absolute value of the difference of the position of the last alphabet for a word in English Alphabetical order and the number of alphabets in each corresponding word.

For example:

Trees: The first alphabet of the code is Q, which is preceding 2 places to S. The last alphabet of the code is V, which is succeeding 2 places to T.

The number is: 19(position of S) – 5(number of letters) = 14


Thanks for the treat is coded as ‘Q13V P15H C2V R15V’.

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