New Pattern Cloze Test for Banking Exam 2020

New Pattern Cloze Test for SBI Clerk Mains, RBI Assistant 2020.  If you are preparing for Banking & Insurance Exams like SBI Clerk Mains, RBI Assistant, SBI PO, RRB PO/Clerk, IBPS PO/Clerk, RBI Grade B, LIC Assistant and others you will come across a section on on Data Interpretation Section. Here we are providing you with  “New Pattern Cloze Test for SBI Clerk Mains 2020 ” for upcoming exams based on the latest pattern of your daily practice.

This “New Pattern Cloze Test for SBI Clerk Mains 2020 ” is also important for other banking exams such as SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.

New Pattern Cloze Test for SBI Clerk Mains 2020 | Set – 1

Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are words highlighted in bold, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. If the word highlighted in bold does not require any replacement, choose (E) as your answer.

The internet has a central position in today’s temperance (1), and has played an active conduct (2) in China’s economic transformation and holding(3) with the world. Consequently, the internet is seen as an enabler (4) of economic development by the Chinese. On the other hand, throughout its 5,000 year history, China has advanced (5) its share of unhappy exchanges with the world, particularly early occurrences of globalized trade. While (6) the traumatic humiliation of China during the unequal treaties period at the turn of the 19th century, a certain uneasiness about unbound cross-border switch (7) is understandable. Thus, since the early days of its Reform and Opening under Deng Xiaoping in the 1980s, China has scathed (8) the principle that foreign investors are only welcome as long as their presence benefits (5) the Chinese economy and large cohorts of Chinese society. The internet is not qualified (10) to this principle.

1.Select option for answer-

A. abatement

B. custody

C. economy

D. sobriety

E. No improvement required

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C. economy

‘economy’ is the appropriate choice.
The paragraph is all China’s economy hence economy is the correct word.

2.Select option for answer-

A. demeanor

B. task

C. role

D. course

E. No improvement required

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 C. role

‘ role’ is the correct word as the sentence talks about the impact of internet on China’s economy.

3. Select option for answer-

A. negotiation

B. surrendering

C. captivation

D. engagement

E. No improvement required

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D. engagement

‘engagement’ best fits the purpose as by engaging with the world the economy of the nation gets affected. 

4.Select option for answer-

A. creator

B. helper

C. preventer

D. inhibiter

E. No improvement required

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D. inhibiter

No improvement is required here.

5.Select option for answer-

A. organized

B. prepared

C. experienced

D. effective

E. No improvement required

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C. experienced

experienced’ is the correct word as it is clear from the sentence that China has gone through the unhappy exchanges with the world.

6.Select option for answer-

A. Speculating

B. Though

C. Considering

D. Whereas

E. No improvement required

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C. Considering

‘Considering’ best suits the purpose.

7.Select option for answer-

A. amendment

B. exchanges

C. variation

D. adjustment

E. No improvement required

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B. exchanges

‘exchanges’ is the right word. We can get the hint from above sentences where it is used.

8.Select option for answer-

A. maintained

B. vindicated

C. cherished

D. impervious

E. Non improvement required

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A. maintained

maintained’ is the correct choice making the sentence meaningful.
Scathed means harm or destroy
Impervious means unable to be affected by.

9.Select option for answer-

A. serve

B. shares

C. sustains

D. settles

E. No improvement required

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E. No improvement required

10.Select option for answer-

A. harbor

B. immune

C. ensconce

D. vulnerable

E. no improvement required

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B. immune

‘immune’ is the appropriate word to be replaced.
Ensconce means establish or settle (someone) in a comfortable, safe place.


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