NABARD Grade A 2021: Economic & Social Issues Questions
NABARD ESI Books, PDF, Previous Papers, Question Set, and study material. NABARD ESI Study Material PDF. Welcome to the Let’s Study Together online NABARD Grade-A Exam Section. If you are preparing for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2021, you will come across a section on “Economic & Social Issues (ESI)” (with a focus on Rural India) wherein 40 questions will be there carrying 40 marks.
In the NABARD Grade-A exam, Agriculture and Rural Development section hold an important role as it is asked in both phases i.e. Phase I and II. Here we are providing you with “Important Economic & Social Issues (ESI) Questions” for the NABARD Grade A & B 2021 Exam based on the latest pattern of your daily practice to enhance your exam preparation!
NABARD Economic & Social Issues (ESI) Question | Set-12
1. Which of the following countries hold the largest proportion of shares in the Asian Development Bank?
A. China
B. Japan
C. United States of America
D. Both (a) &(c)
E. Both (b) &(d)
2. Which of the following rounds of discussion of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) resulted in the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
A. Paraguay Round
B. Uruguay Round
C. Buenos Aires Round
D. Montevideo Round
E. Qatar Round
3. The World Bank releases the estimates of GDP growth rate for its member nations every year through its report. What is the name of the report?
A. Ease of Doing Business Report
B. World Investment Report
C. World Economic Outlook Report
D. Global Economic Prospects Report
E. None of these
4. To calculate GDP at Market Prices, which of the following should not be added?
A. Product Tax
B. Production Tax
C. Product Subsidy
D. None of the above is added
E. All the above components are added while calculating the GDP
5. Which of the following statements is/are correct with regard to the Global Environment Facility (GEF)?
A. It was established on the eve of 1992 Rio Earth Summit to help tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental problems.
B. GEF is an international partnership of183 countries, international institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector that addresses global environmental issues.
C. India is both donor and recipient of GEF.
D. It addresses six designated focal areas: biodiversity, climate change, international waters, ozone depletion, land degradation and Persistent Organic Pollutants.
E. All the above
6. Which of the following is/are incorrect with regard to the Forest Rights Act, 2006?
A. The Act provides for recognition of forest rights of other traditional forest dwellers provided they have for at least three generations prior to 13.12.2005 primarily resided in and have depended on the forests for Bonafede livelihood needs.
B. Nodal Agency for the implementation is Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA).
C. The Act recognizes the right of ownership access to collect, use, and dispose of minor forest produce by tribal.
D. As per the Act, the State Government has been designated as the competent authority for initiating the process of determining the nature and extent of individual or community forest rights.
E. None of these
7. Which Bill empower the centre to make rules to decide the tenure, salary, allowance and other terms of central and state Information commissioners?
A. Right to Act (Amendment) act, 2019
B. Right to Information (Amendment) act, 2019
C. Right to approve (Amendment) act, 2019
D. Right to decide (Amendment) act, 2019
E. None of these
8. Which article of Indian Constitution has been repealed by the government?
A. Article 375
B. Article 371
C. Article 371(A)
D. Article 370
E. None of these
9. RBI has imposed fines on which commercial banks for non- compliance relating to reporting of frauds?
A. Punjab National Bank (PNB)
B. State Bank of India (SBI)
C. Federal Bank
D. All of the above
E. None of these
10. What is the jail term for a person, who indulge in pornography using child as per the Protection of Children from Sexual Offence (POCSO) (Amendment) Bill, 2019?
A. 5 years
B. 10 Years
C. 7 Years
D. Life imprisonment
E. None of these
Solving NABARD Economic & Social Issues (ESI) Practice Questions will not only help you understand the level of questions in the NABARD Grade-A Exam but also give you chance to learn the topics of the NABARD Grade A & B Exam syllabus.
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1. | NABARD Grade A Recruitment Notification 2021: Apply Online | Click Here |
2. | NABARD Grade A Officers Exam Syllabus 2021 – Prelims/Mains | Click Here |
3. | NABARD Grade A Officers Exam Pattern 2021 – Prelims/Mains | Click Here |
4. | NABARD Grade A & B Previous Year Paper PDF – Download Here | Click Here |
5. | NABARD Grade A Previous Year Cut Off Marks | 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 Cut Off Marks | Click Here |
6. | Best Books for NABARD – Grade A & B Exam, Study Material Exam Papers, PDFs | Click Here |
7. | Section Wise Preparation Tips and Tricks to crack NABARD Grade-A Exam 2021 | Click Here |
8. | How to prepare for NABARD Grade-A 2021 Exam– Preparation Tips and Tricks | Click Here |
9. | NABARD Agriculture & Rural Development (ARD) Study Material | Quizzes | Books | Paper PDF | Click Here |
10. | NABARD Economic & Social Issues (ESI) Study Material | Quizzes | Books | Paper PDF | Click Here |
11. | General Awareness ( GA-GK) Questions Asked in NABARD Grade-A Exam | Click Here |
12. | Economic and Social Issues (ESI) Questions Asked in NABARD Grade-A Exam | Click Here |
13. | Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) Questions Asked in NABARD Grade-A Exam | Click Here |
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