Direction (1-5): Study the following table carefully and answer the given questions. Table shows the number and percentage of candidates appeared and selected in a SBI PO exam from two cities during five years respectively.

MI 1

Note : Few value are missing in the table (A examinee is expected to calculate the missing value, if it is required to answer the given questions on the basis of given data and information.)

1.Out of the number of selected candidates from Delhi A in the year 2014, the respective ratio of male and female candidates is 11 : 7. If the number of selected female candidates from Delhi is 252, then what is the number of appeared candidates (both male and female) from Delhi A in the year 2014 ?
A. 930
B. 110
C. 1570
D. 1690
E. 1080

2.The number of appeared candidates from Mumbai is increased by 100% in the year 2012 to 2013. If the total number of selected candidates from mumbai in the 2012 and 2013 together is 816, then what is number of appeared candidates from Mumbai in the year 2012?
A. 780
B. 560
C. 680
D. 640
E. 800

3.What is the difference between the number of selected candidates from Delhi in year 2012 and 2013 ?
A. 24
B. 22
C. 34
D. 28
E. 36

4.If the average number of selected candidates from Mumbai in the year 2014, 2015 and 2016 is 420, then what is the number of selected candidates from Mumbai in the year 2016?
A. 384
B. 395
C. 483
D. 374
E. 479

5.If the respective ratio between the number of selected candidates from Delhi in the year 2015 and 2016 is 14: 9, then what is number of selected candidates from Mumbai in the year 2016?
A. 352
B. 407
C. 432
D. 534
E. 598

Directions (6-10): Study the following table carefully. Some values are missing. Complete that based on given information in each question to answer the question.

The table shows the number of employees in an organization in 5 different cities with total employees being 2130 in the organization. Table also shows the percentage of employees working in 4 departments – HR, Finance, Software and Accounts with each employee in only 1 department.

MI 2

6.What is the total number of employees in Mumbai and Gurgaon who work in Software department?
A. 292
B. 226
C. 285
D. 274
E. None of these

7.If in Delhi, employees who work in Accounts department are 40% more than employees who work in HR department, then what is the number of employees who work in Software department in Delhi?
A. 133
B. 153
C. 176
D. 147
E. None of these

8.If number of employees in Bengaluru is 10% less than number of employees in Hyderabad, then what is the difference between number of employees who work in Accounts department in these 2 cities and who work in Finance department in these 2 cities?
A. 122
B. 104
C. 97
D. 135
E. None of these

9. If a same criterion as taken in question 3 is taken, in which city the total employees who
work in Finance and Accounts departments is more?

A. Delhi
B. Mumbai
C. Bengaluru
D. Hyderabad
E. Gurgaon

10.If in Mumbai, number of employees who work in Accounts department is 19 more than
the number of employees who work in Software department in Gurgaon, then what is the
number of employees who work in Finance department in Mumbai?

A. 57
B. 60
C. 49
D. 62
E. None of these

Missing Data Interpretation

Answers with Detailed Explanation :-  






















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