How to solve New Pattern Cloze Test Questions? Preparation Tips & Tricks

How to Solve New Pattern Cloze Test?

How to solve New Pattern Cloze Test – Cloze Test Ticks and Tips. As we all know that in banking, Insurance, and SSC exams Cloze Test, like Reading Comprehension, is one of the most scoring topics under the English Language section. Mastering this topic will go a long way in helping you to increase your overall cutoff marks.  Cloze Test is one of the recurring topics under the English Language section of various competitive exams. English Language Cloze Test tests a candidate’s understanding of the passage, grammatical skills, and vocabulary, and like Reading Comprehension (RC), it is one of the most scoring topics under the English Language section.

 As we saw in recent past years a drastic change in the pattern of the Cloze Test. It came as a shock as well as a surprise to the candidates appearing for the exam. The literal meaning of the Cloze Test is that it’s a procedure in which a student is asked to supply words that have been removed from a passage as a test of their ability to comprehend text. But the IBPS board has set new standards recently, which appears to be challenging and difficult, but in reality, isn’t so. New patterns are introduced by the board to test your agility and unprejudiced thinking toward new things. Yes, the time constraint only adds to the pressure, but it can be overcome with practice. So take  note on the New Pattern of Cloze Test In recent times, there has been a change in the pattern of the Cloze Test:

  • The blanks in the passage already contain the words
  • A new option called ‘No changes required’ is provided for every blank

If the word given in the blank is correct, the candidates are required to choose the ‘No changes required’ option. If the given word is incorrect, the candidates are required to choose the best alternative, to replace the given word, from the given options.

How to Tackle New Pattern Cloze Test? Tips & Tricks

In the old pattern of the Cloze Test, we saw the new option of ‘no replacement required’ or ‘no changes required, with a word in bold instead of the blank and 4 unique options, of which we had to choose the one which fits both grammatically and contextually in the said sentence. You can say that it was a combination of Reading comprehension and Fill in the Blanks. Most of the questions could be solved on the basis of the tone of the passage and on a context basis. But the new pattern is nothing short of it. It requires you to have knowledge of grammar as well as vocabulary.  Let us have a look at the new pattern and how you can ensure maximum marks from this topic.

The question primarily consists of 10 questions with a blend of three blank word replacement, sentence replacement, error spotting, word re-arrangement, one blank fill-up, same meaning sentence, phrase replacement, and sentence joining (connectors). While some are straightforward questions, others have more than one option to choose from.  The passages in the past revolved around the theme of the economy and current happenings of the World.

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How to Tackle New Pattern Cloze Test?

 Read the whole passage

Read the given passage carefully and try to understand the gist of it. After the first reading, you should be able to conclude which part of the passage has a negative and/ or positive connotation if any. By doing this, much time is saved while cruising through the questions and their options. Identifying the tone of the passage only makes it easier for us.

 Go for the easier, one-blank fill-up first

By doing this, more sentences would make sense and give us an idea of the blanks surrounding them. This might require you to have some basic knowledge like the structure of the sentence, adjectives, nouns and verbs, forms of words, gerunds, etc.

Elimination of options

This trick works with every topic.  The options ‘All of the above’ and ‘none of the above’ or ‘no error’ are rarely the answers to the questions. But this probability gives an opportunity to the exam setter to deliberately set some questions with such answers. You must either be absolutely sure what goes in the blank or you can try substituting one option at a time and then decide whether it ‘all of the above’ or ‘none of above’/ ‘no error’.  You can straight away negate the obvious wrong options.


You can also practice the individual topics separately and then attempt time-based tests on each of these topics. This will help you get a hang of the new pattern cloze test. Try practicing each topic every day and mix-match them one day in a cloze test for further practice. You can attempt English Language Cloze Test Questions for Banking & Insurance Exams.

Attempt Cloze Test Practice Set – Click here

This English language subject quiz based on New Pattern Cloze Test is also important for other banking, Insurance and SSC exams such as SSC CGL, CHSL, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO, Indian Post Payment Bank (IPPB) Scale I Officer, LIC AAO, GIC AO, UIIC AO, NICL AO, NIACL Assitant.

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Directions:(1-10)In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The world is witnessing food price turbulence again. A bad drought in Russia, rising demand in the US and developing countries and Pakistan’s blighted crop prospects after its floods, are keeping prices of commodities such as cereals, sugar, oil, and meat high. The Food and Agriculture Organisation’s monthly food price index is heading North.
India is not …. (1)…. from this problem even at the best of times. For the week that ended on 11th September, food prices (as …. (2)…. By the Wholesale Price Index) rose by 15.86% Given the robust demand for foodstuffs, a time of price volatility calls for a careful look at the ‘design’ issues surrounding food supply management. At times, even huge food stocks are not able to …. (3)…. rising food prices. The fault lies in how food is released to traders by government agencies such as the Food Corporation of India (FCI). This problem is apart from FCI’s high carrying cost of foodgrains. But this is not the problem at …… (4)….. For example, under the Open Market Sales Scheme (OMSS) a fixed quantity of grain, usually in multiples of 10 metric tonnes, is sold to traders, flour mills, and other buyers when supplies are ….. (5)….. or there is price volatility. But a combination of price rigidity, terms of sale, and the quantity sold under OMSS defeat its purpose. One reason for this is the large volume in the hands of very few individual buyers. This ….. (6)….. to perverse economic incentives. Often, the grain sold under this scheme winds up back with food …… (7)…… agencies because of price differentials (the price at which it is sold and the prevailing market price). This has been observed many times in states as diverse as Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. If the number of buyers is ….. (8)….. and the quantity sold to each buyer reduced, or the price fixed, but the amount of grain that can be bought kept flexible, these problems can be …… (9)…… This makes for a sensible menu of options. But it needs careful implementation. And if for some reason, changes are required to suit local conditions in different states, the economic logic behind these ideas should not be lost ….. (10)….. of.

1. Choose the correct option for (1):
A. affected
B. above
C. immune 
D. away
E. separate

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C. immune

‘immune from’ means ‘protected from something and therefore able to avoid it.’

2. Choose the correct option for (2):
A. developed
B.  increased 
C. reported
D. measured
E. handled

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Correct Answer – D. measured 

The function of ‘Price Index’ is to measure rise and fall of food prices.

3. Choose the correct option for (3):

A. arrest
B. identify
C. find
D. slow
E. stop

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A. arrest

Rising food prices can’t be stopped, but can be controlled or slowed down. Hence, option (a) is the best option since ‘arrest’ means ‘control’.

4. Choose the correct option for (4):
A. this
B. juncture
C. all
D. best
E. hand

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E. Hand

5. Choose the correct option for (5):

A. nil
B. Short
C. Plenty
D. Enough
E. Least

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B. Short

6. Choose the correct option for (6):

A. Rises
B. leads
C. gives
D. is
E. jumps

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B. Leads

‘leads to’ means ‘be a reason or motive for’ .Hence ‘leads’ is clearly the correct option.

7. Choose the correct option for (7):
A. hoarding
B. storing
C. supply
D. producing
E. procurement

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Correct Answer – E. procurement 

procurement ‘food procurement’ is ‘buying of grains from the farmers by the government’.

8. Choose the correct option for (8):
A. Controlled
B. Promoted
C. Constant
D. Increased
E. Decreased

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Correct Answer – D. Increased

‘controlled’ and ‘decrased’ will give the opposite meaning. So, increased is correct.

9. Choose the correct option for (9):
A. Neglected
B. Solve
C. Overcome
D. Indicated
E. Highlighted

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Correct Answer – C. Overcome

Explanation: ‘solve’ is in present tense; hence cannot be the answer.

10. Choose the correct option for (10):
A. Weight
B. Look
C. Value
D. Sight
E. Significant

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D. sight 

‘to lose sight of’ means ‘to lose attention’.


Hope this will help you in the upcoming exams. Feel free to comment and discuss below. Happy Learning!

English Cloze Test Questions PDF for Banking and Insurance Exams – Download Free PDF

English Cloze Test Questions PDF for Banking Exams

We hope the given English Language Topic-wise Questions and Answers PDF will be helpful for their competitive exams like bank exams and other recruitment board exams. So candidates can utilize our English Language Topic-wise PDF Download for their effective preparation to score more marks in upcoming competitive exams.

Vocab-Based Questions PDF Cloze Test Questions PDF Reading Comprehension Questions PDF
Match the Column Questions PDF Fillers Double Questions PDF Sentence Arrangement Questions PDF
English Language Mixed Questions PDF Error Spotting, Phrase Replacement, Sentence Improvement Questions PDF

We hope that this detailed article helps you to plan your preparation. Feel free to post any doubts in the comment section and we will help you out. You may also share your doubt and query at [email protected] .

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