How to AceYour First Entrance Exam- 7 Effective Tips

The new developments in the educational world require us to pull up our socks to match the pace. With competition getting more intense than ever, it has become an inevitable need to upgrade our preparation approach. To clear any entrance for competitive exams or even to get place in a first-tier college, you have to funnel through many rounds of exams, GDs, and interviews to finally get there and with the ever-increasing cutthroat competition in this arena, it is essential to have meticulous planning around how you would crack it.

Worried about not scoring well in your first entrance exam? Don’t worry we have got you covered! Given below are seven tips to ensure that you come out with flying colours in your first entrance exam.

1.Get Prepared Mentally

 This is something you will rarely get to hear from any academic professional but it is the most important tip and hence placed in the first place. It is always easier to begin the preparation; the catch is staying in the process. In order to avoid leaving it in between, do exhaustive research on the syllabus and the time and effort it would require from you. It will make you better equipped to fight any difficult situation that may arise.

2.Plan Your Strategy

After finally deciding to dive into the preparation, start with aiming at a goal. Include both short-term and long-term goals in your plan to keep you motivated throughout the journey. The sense of accomplishment arising from the achievement of short-term goals would help you fight the glooms of the hard-to-achieve targets. While formulating plans, keep in mind the unique requisites of your particular exam. For instance, if you are planning to take the famous SAT entrance exam, do exhaustive research on the requirements, syllabus, and best time for taking the SAT Hence, plan accordingly. Irrespective of the exam you are appearing for, try to finish the syllabus well in advance to get more time for practice and revision before the entrance exam date.

3.Develop the Habit of Reading

One of the most challenging parts of entrance exam preparation is to get the right study material. Every department has its recommendation regarding the study material that must be carefully analyzed. The best way to cover a major section of your study material is to develop the habit of reading newspapers. It not only keeps you updated but develops reasoning and analytical skills. Take reviews about the journals and books you must use from people who have cracked these exams. It helps you get hands-on with the most effective study materials. Another way around is to research online. There is a plethora of study material available on many open-source websites that you can use.

4.Have a Feasible Routine

The key to cracking any entrance exam is to make a feasible routine and stick to it. A common mistake that students tend to do is draft a strict routine that is almost impossible to achieve which in turn leads to demotivation. Your routine should include recreational hours to keep your sanity intact. The allocation of time should match your capabilities. At any point of time, if you feel you can do better or would opt to go slower, consider changing it as per the need of the hour. Don’t be rigid.

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5.Get the Previous Years’ Papers

Previous years’ papers can clear your mental fog by giving you a distant account of the level of difficulty. Try and get hold of as many papers as you can and analyse them carefully to identify a pattern. Once you understand the pattern and the kinds of questions that are usually asked, you will be able to prepare for the exams more prudently. For the previous years’ papers, you can check the official site of that particular exam.

6.Work on Your Vocabulary and Current Affairs

Nearly all the entrance exams have a separate section for English and Current Affairs. Therefore, it is very important to have a knack for both these subjects. It not only helps you perform better in the exam but gives you an air of confidence for the grilling interview session. The best way to improve your skill in these two subjects is to read at least three English newspapers and magazines. Along with enhancing your vocab, it will also give you an idea of sentence formation and the correct use of pronouns which is a little critical to follow.

7.Get Geared-Up for the Aptitude test

Aptitude test is a common exam in almost all entrance exams that aim at analysing a candidate’s ability to perform in certain work-conditions. It assesses the logical reasoning capacity of the candidate. There is no sure-shot trick to get it right. The only way to do it is through rigorous practice. The more you practice, the better you will get. 

Hence, we see that preparing for entrance exams could be fun if you have the right guidance. The key is to introspect about your strengths and weaknesses and decide accordingly. This will ensure that you stay balanced during the preparation which is often neglected by students.

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