History questions has been playing very vital role in every exams. Candidates find these questions of History very relatable but find difficulty in answering History questions because of lack of practice so we are providing reliable and good quality set of History Practice questions

Candidates who are preparing for different examination these History Practice questions are very useful to know how well the preparation is going on. So here is set of some Indian History Practice questions.

Set of general knowledge questions on History.




Q –1 Which one of the following animal was not represented on the seals and terracotta and of the Harappan culture?

(A)       Cow

(B)       Elephant

(C)       Rhinouros

(D)       Tiger


Q –2 Megaliths

(A)       are a certain group at paleaalithic caves

(B)       is the technical term for pre–historic rock–cut caves.

(C)       are pre–historic burial monuments.

(D)       are monoliths belonging to the Neolithic period.


Q –3 Which one of the following statements is true about the chalcolithic cultures of India?

      (A)       People of chalcolithic cultures mostly used stone and copper objects and often low grade bronze.

      (B)       A large number of them appeared after the end  of the bronze Harappan culture.

      (C)       They were restricted to the Ganga – Yamuna  doab and foothills of the himalayas.

      (D)       They were primarily communities in the hilly and riverine areas.

Select correct statement

(1)A, B and C

(2)  B, C and D

(3) A and B

(4) B and C


Q –4 Which of the following statement about the religious culture of Harappan peaple is/are not correct.

(A)        The Harappan people didn’t worship their gods in temple.

(B)       An idEa of their religgion is formed from the statues and figurines formed.

(C)       The most commonly found figurine is that of mother goddess.

(D)       The chief male deity was the Vishnu and Indra.


Q –5 Who was the founder of Rajputana Kingdom chandela

(A)       Nanuk Chand

(B)       Kokkal I

(C)       Mularaya I

(D)       Chandradeva.


Q –6 The historian Barani refused to conside the state in India under Delhi sultans as truly Islamic because

(A)       The majority of the population did not follow islam

(B)       The muslim theologists were abten disregsrded.

(C)       The sultan supplemented the muslim low by framing his own regulations.

(D)       religious freedom was accorded to non muslims.


Q –7 Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the Afghan ruler to the throne of Delhi ?

(A)       Sikandar Shah – Ibrahim Lodi – Bahlol Khan Lodi.

(B)       Sikandar Shah – Bahlol Khan Lodhi – Ibrahim Lodhi

(C)       Bahlol Khan Lodhi – Sikandar Shah – Ibrahim Lodhi.

(D)       Bahlol Khan Lodhi – Sikandar Shikandar Shah – Ibrahim Lodhi


Q –8 Consider the following statements about Tripartite Struggle.

      (1)    There were three great power in India the palas in the east the Gujjar Partihara in the North and the Rashtrakuta in the deccan dose to the 8thc A.D.

      (2)    The main coure forthis struggle was the desire to possess the city of Kannaiy.

      Select correct stetements.

(A)       Only 1

(B)       1 and 2

(C)       Only 2

(D)       Neithe 1 nor 2


Q –9 Which one of the following was the first fort constructed by the British in India

(A)       Fort william

(B)       Fort St. George

(C)       Fort St. David

(D)       Fort St. Angel.


Q –10  between whom was the treaty of purander in 1665 made?

(A)       The English and the Nizam of Hyderabad.

(B)       The marathas and the Purtuguese.

(C)       The Marathas and the englilsh.

(D)       The Shivaji and Raja Jai singh.




  1. Ans– (A)explanation– Cow worship began in vedic period.
  2. Ans– (D)explanation– are monoliths belong to the Neolithic culture.
  3. Ans– (I)explanation– Chalcolithic culture arefollowing Ahar culture, Kayth culrure, sawlada culture Prabhas culture, malwa culture, Rangpur culture and Jorwe culture.
  4. Ans– (D)explanation– God vishnu is the creation of Gupta age and Indra was mentioned right from Rigveda age Harappan people main deity was the ‘Pasupati Mahadeva’ the lord of animals (proto shiva).
  5. Ans– (A)        explanation– Chandela of Jejakabhuti, ‘the Rajputana Kingdom’ was founded by Nanuk chand their capital was Khajuraho, Mahoba and Kalinjar.
  6. Ans– (C)explanation– ‘Barni’ was a famous court historian of khilji dynasty Barni works, give detail account of Delhi Sultanate Nature.
  7. Ans– (C)explanation– The Lodhi dynasty emerged after decline of Sayyid Dynasty Lodhis ruled from 1451 to 1526 AD Bahlol Lodhi was one of the Afghan Soldier founded the Lodhi dynasty.
  8. Ans– (B)explanation– Close to 8thc, the three powers polas gujjar–partihara and Rashtrakutas fought for supremacy. Kannauj was then a symbol of sovereignty.
  9. Ans– (A)explanation– In 1690, Job charnock established factory at Sutanti, was fortified in 1696 and this new fortified settlement was named fort williaM in 1700 ( present calcutta was devided into 3 villayes sutanti, kalikata and Gobindpur).
  10. Ans– (D)   explanation– the treaty of purandhar in 1665 was signed according to which shivaji ceded some fort to the Mughals and paid visit to the Mughal court at Agra.

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