NABARD Grade A 2022: Economic & Social Issues Questions
NABARD ESI Books, PDF, Previous Papers, Question Set, and study material.Expected ESI Questions for NABARD Grade-A Exam. NABARD ESI Study Material PDF. Welcome to the Let’s Study Together online NABARD Grade-A Exam Section. If you are preparing for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2022, you will come across a section on “Economic & Social Issues (ESI)” (with a focus on Rural India) wherein 40 questions will be there carrying 40 marks.
In the NABARD Grade-A exam, Agriculture and Rural Development section holds an important role as it is asked in both phases i.e. Phase I and II. Here we are providing you with “Free ESI Questions” for the NABARD Grade A & B 2022 Exam based on the latest pattern of your daily practice to enhance your exam preparation!
Free Quiz of ESI Questions For NABARD Grade-A Exam | Set-24
1. When we say that a person has more money in his hand to save or to consume when compared to the previous year for example, then there is a definite increase in which of the following?
A. Personal Income of that person
B. Personal Disposable Income of that person
C. Taxes levied by the government
D. Taxes paid by that person
E. None of these
2. The World Happiness Report is published by which of the following agencies/organizations?
B. UN Sustainable Development solutions Network
E. None of these
3. Which of the following are true regarding Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas Act (PESA) act 1996?
A. There will be a minimum of 50% seats reservation for Scheduled Tribes (STs)
B. Schedule areas in every village will have a Gram Sabha
C. Gram Sabha and Panchayat have the right to regulate the ownership of minor forest produce
D. All of the above
E. None of these
4. Which of the following committees is not on Panchayati Raj?
A. Balwant Rai committee
B. L.M Singhvi committee
C. Ashok Mehta committee
D. G.V.K Rao committee
E. Narsimhan committee
NABARD Economic & Social Issues (ESI) Study Material 2022 | Quizzes | Books | Paper PDF – Click Here |
5. Both India and South Africa are the members of which of the following multilateral forums?
B. World Trade Organization
C. Indian Ocean Rim Association
D. G20
E. All the above
6. Which of the following statements regarding ‘Growth’ and ‘Development’ is/are incorrect?
A. ‘Growth’ refers to the increase or decrease in quantity whereas ‘Development’ is a qualitative concept
B. Growth can be negative whereas Development cannot
C. Growth is always accompanied by Development
D. Development can be said as a Growth in positive direction
E. None of these
7. Which of the following statements is/are correct with respect to Bank Rate and Repo Rate?
A. Repo Rate is a rate at which RBI lends money to commercial banks without any security whereas Bank Rate is the rate at which RBI lends money to commercial banks against securities in case commercial banks fall short of funds.
B. Bank Rate is a rate at which RBI lends money to commercial banks without any security whereas Repo Rate whereas Repo Rate is the rate at which RBI lends money to commercial banks against securities in case commercial banks fall short of funds.
C. RBI uses the Repo rate as the policy rate for inflation targeting
D. RBI uses the Bank rate as the policy rate for inflation targeting
E. Both (b) and (c)
NABARD Agriculture & Rural Development (ARD) 2022 | Quizzes | Books | Paper PDF – Click Here |
8. Which of the following is/are not one of the categories of the Priority Sector Lending (PSL)?
A. Export Credit
B. Manufacturing Industries
C. Housing
D. Agriculture
E. None of these
Correct Answer – B. Manufacturing Industries
Explanation-Priority Sector Lending is an important role given by the (RBI) to the banks for providing a specified portion of the bank lending to few specific sectors like agriculture and allied activities, micro and small enterprises, poor people for housing, students for education and other low income groups and weaker sections.
9. Which of the following statement(s) given below is/are not correct?
A. The World Population Day is observed on the recommendation of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
B. The UNFPA was created as a subsidiary organ of the UN General Assembly in 1997
C. The UNFPA is directly supported by the UN budget
D. All of the above
E. Only (b) and (c)
10. Inflation brings most benefit to which one of the following?
A. Debtors
B. Savings Bank Account holders
C. Creditors
D. Government pensioners
E. None of these
Solving NABARD Economic & Social Issues (ESI) Practice Questions will not only help you understand the level of questions in the NABARD Grade-A Exam but also give you chance to learn the topics of the NABARD Grade A & B Exam syllabus.
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6. | Best Books for NABARD – Grade A & B Exam, Study Material Exam Papers, PDFs | Click Here |
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8. | How to prepare for NABARD Grade-A 2022 Exam– Preparation Tips and Tricks | Click Here |
9. | NABARD Agriculture & Rural Development (ARD) Study Material | Quizzes | Books | Paper PDF | Click Here |
10. | NABARD Economic & Social Issues (ESI) Study Material | Quizzes | Books | Paper PDF | Click Here |
11. | General Awareness ( GA-GK) Questions Asked in NABARD Grade-A Exam | Click Here |
12. | Economic and Social Issues (ESI) Questions Asked in NABARD Grade-A Exam | Click Here |
13. | Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) Questions Asked in NABARD Grade-A Exam | Click Here |
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