FCI Prelims English Language Practice Questions | Set-1
FCI Prelims English Language Practice Questions

FCI Practice Questions Set – English Language

FCI Practice Set English Language. FCI English Practice Questions. FCI English Language Practice Questions. Welcome to the www.letsstudytogether.co online Englishsection. If you are preparing for FCI Exam 2019  you will come across a section on English Language Section. Here we are providing you with English Language quiz on “FCI Practice Questions Set – English Language for FCI Phase I Exam 2019”  for your daily practice.

As we all know Food Corporation of India FCI)  has come up with 4000+ vacancies in various departments. It is very important for all the individuals who wish to prepare for FCI exam to practice with latest pattern questions based on FCI syllabus and the exam pattern. This “FCI Practice Questions Set – English Language “ is also important for other banking exams such as SSC, Railways, CWC and other competitive exams.

FCI Practice Questions – English Language | Set-2

Direction: Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) given below each statement should be placed in  the blank space provided so as to make a meaningful and grammatical correct sentence?

1. It is a city where ________ infrastructure and the basis for providing essential services to residents.
A. information technology is the principals
B. information technology is the peak
C. information technology is the principal
D. information technology is the principle

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Correct Answer – D. information technology is the principle

The correct adjective for the noun ‘infrastructure’ in the given context is ‘principle’ as the word ‘principle’ means a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning. Therefore, the most appropriate option to fill in the given space is ‘information technology is the principle’.

2. Although he is a well-balanced person, he occasionally ______.
A. loses his clothes
B. loses his money
C. loses his temper
D. loses his suitcase

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Correct Answer – C. loses his temper

In the context of the phrase ‘well-balanced person’, the most appropriate option to fill in the given space so as to complete the sentence is ‘loses his temper’. ‘Lose temper’ means to lose self-control, become angry. Thus, ‘clothes, money, suitcase and anxiety’ can’t go well along the phrase ‘well-balanced person’.

Direction – In the following questions, four words are given in bold. One of these words given in bold maybe wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context. Find out the word. If all the words are correct, choose ‘All correct’ as the answer.

3. According to the official account, the 27-year-old man who fatally (1) / attacked the mayor of the Polish port city of Gdansk at a charity event was derranged (2) / and violent, and was a consequence of the hatred and malice that (3) / have spread through Poland under the ultraconservative, nationalist and increasingly authoritarian Law and Justice Party. (4) / All correct (5)

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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Correct Answer – B. 2

The error in spelling lies in part (2) of the sentence as the word derranged is wrongly spelt. Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.

The correct spelling is deranged. It means mad or insane.

Here, the word malice is note-worthy. It means ill will or the desire to harm others.

Fatally means resulting in death or undesirable effects.

4. But the lull is not likely to last, (1) / at least so long as unscrupulous (2) / ideologuos and populists (3) / maliciously exploit the lowest instincts of their citizens for political advantage. (4) / All correct (5)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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Correct Answer – C. 3

The error in spelling lies in part (3) of the sentence as the word ideologuos is wrongly spelt. Therefore, the correct answer is option 3.

The correct spelling is ideologues. It refers to a person who advocates or promotes an ideology (beliefs).

Let us look into the meaning of the other important words:

Lull – a temporary period of calmness and quiet

Unscrupulous – dishonest and unprincipled, showing no moral principles

Maliciously – intended to cause harm to other people.

5. The farther up the coast you get, the more bohemain (1) / the country of Uruguay becomes, but before driving to more northern (2) / beach towns, take a detour (3) / about 30 miles inland to Bodega Garzón, the country’s premier winery. (4) / All correct (5)

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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Correct Answer – A. 1

The error in spelling lies in part (1) of the sentence as the word bohemain is wrongly spelt. Therefore, the correct answer is option 1.

The correct spelling is bohemian. It refers to a person who is socially unconventional involved in arts and music.

Detour means a different or less direct route to a place taken to avoid something or to visit someplace along the way.

Winery means an establishment where wine is produced.

Direction: Below a word is given followed by three sentences which consist of that word. Identify the sentence/s which best expresses the meaning of the word. Choose option 5 (None of the these) if the word is not suitable in any of the sentences. 


  1. With the addition of expensive foodstuffs such as milk and brown sugar, the dish became palatable.
  2. The municipal corporation has tried to make water taxes more palatable by giving people more time to pay them.
  3. The option of moving again didn’t seem palatable at that time.

A. Both A and C
B. B
C. A, B and C
D. None of these

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Correct Answer – C. A, B and C

The word palatable is used to describe drink or food that is pleasant to consume. So, the word has been used appropriately in statement A as it tells us that the addition of milk and brown sugar made the dish pleasant to eat.

The word can also mean to convey that something is acceptable or agreeable. So, statements B and C have used the word appropriately. One can check by replacing the word palatable with acceptable :

Statement B :  The municipal corporation has tried to make water taxes more acceptable by giving people more time to pay them.

Statement C : The option of moving again didn’t seem acceptable at that time.

7. In the following questions, four words are given in bold. One of these words given in bold maybe wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context. Find out the word. If all the words are correct, choose ‘All correct’ as the answer.

If French voters are tempted to use referendums (1) / to enhance the democratic process, they should look at the sad spectacle across the Channel : (2) / the British people trying to pick up the shards of their future after their House of Commons (3) / rejected the Brexit deal as nothing seems a more powerful detterant. (4) / All correct (5)

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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Correct Answer – D. 4

The correct spelling is deterrent.  It refers to something that discourages people from doing something.

Referendum – If a referendum is held on public policy, then the people of the country are asked to vote on it.

Spectacle – an unusual event that attracts attention or disapproval.

Shard – broken piece of ceramic, glass or similar object.

8. His predelection for the (1) / colour has been tentatively linked to (2) / warped colour perception caused either by heavy indulgence in absinthe (3) / or digitalis, a foxglove extract used to treat epilepsy during his lifetime. (4) / All correct (5)

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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Correct Answer – A. 1

The correct spelling is predilection which means special liking or preference for something.

Let us look into the meaning of the other important words:

Tentatively – in a way that is subjected to further confirmation as it can be changed later.

Indulgence – doing something that one enjoys even if it has undesirable consequences.

Epilepsy – central nervous system disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures.

Direction – Each of the following questions has two sentences with one blank each. Choose the option that best fits in both the blanks.

9. 1. Herald largely preferred late night debates to attending ______ committee meetings in upstairs pub rooms or pushing by-election leaflets through doors.

2. A ______, red-faced clergyman without wit or humour, he contrived to make any and every subject dull.

A. Stolid
B. Storeyed
C. Snugly
D. Rumored

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Correct Answer – A. Stolid

The correct option is stolid which means calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.

Storeyed: a floor of a building

Snugly: in a comfortable, warm, and cozy or well-protected manner.

Rumored: be circulated as an unverified account.

Plummeted: fall or drop straight down at high speed.

10. 1. Yet somehow that ______ report served its purpose in terms of giving labor unions a weapon to wield against business.

2. Experiments involve a ______ association between the food and the illness which is usually induced chemically or by X-rays.

A. Stout
B. Snout
C. Spurious
D. Preserved

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Correct Answer  – C. Spurious

The correct word is spurious which means “not being what it purports to be; false or fake.”

Stout: (of a person) rather fat or of heavy build.

Snout: the projecting nose and mouth of an animal, especially a mammal.

Prejudiced: having or showing a dislike or distrust that is derived from prejudice; bigoted.

Preserved: maintain (something) in its original or existing state.

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