English Language Cloze Test Questions

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English Language Cloze Test Questions | Set-4

Directions:(1-10) Two words are given in each option and you are required to identify the option in which both the words fits the given blank.

Steve Jobs, co—founder of Apple Computer, was born in February 1954 in central California to an American mother and Syrian father who gave him up for adoption a week after birth. He was _____1_____ in a blue—collar home just as nearby Silicon Valley was starting to _____2_____ as a technology centre, and got his first job at the age of 12 by calling Hewlett—Packard founder Bill Hewlett at his home. Jobs _____3_____ a grade at school thanks to his high IQ but was later _____4_____ for a series of pranks, such as _____5_____ bombs and releasing snakes in the classroom.

After only one semester, Jobs dropped out of university and began working for nascent video—game maker Atari, until he had saved enough money to _____6_____ on a spiritual trek to India. He returned after the trip to his job at Atari, where in 1976 he _____7_____ colleague and friend Steve Wozniak to quit his job and launch a company — to sell the home computer Wozniak had designed.

Jobs quickly sold 50 of the computer kits to a local store, and Apple was on its way, with Wozniak as the designer and Jobs the marketer. From the start Jobs exhibited a _____8_____ for single—minded individuality, which earned him a reputation among early Apple employees as a fiery—tempered, brilliant but _____9_____ boss. His successes were often world—changing, but his failures were equally _____10_____.

1. Choose the correct option for (1):
A. supported, guided
B. confined, restricted
C.  raised, brought up
D. grown, uplifted
E. taught, educated

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Correct Answer – C.  raised, brought up

Explanation: The sentence mentions that Steve Jobs was brought up or raised in blue—collar home just as nearby Silicon Valley. Brought Up/Raised means to teach a child to behave in a particular way or to have particular beliefs. bring someone up to be/do something.

2. Choose the correct option for (2):
A.  infer, presume
B. modify, contrast
C. disguise, mask
D. construe, expound
E. blossom, bloom

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Correct Answer – E. blossom, bloom

The sentence mentions that the time when Steve Jobs was being raised then the nearby Silicon Valley started to come up as a technology centre. This makes option (e) blossom and bloom correct as when thing blossom or bloom they become more attractive and successful.

3. Choose the correct option for (3):

A.  posted, stationed
B. skipped, jumped
C. misconceived, confounded
D. credence, accepted
E. remitted, transmitted

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B. skipped, jumped

The blank requires a word to mention that due to Job’s intelligence he managed to skip one grade. Thus Skipped and Jumped are both correct for the blank.

4. Choose the correct option for (4):
A. misguided, imprudent
B. recognised, acknowledged
C. misinterpreted, falsified
D. blandished, cajoled
E. expelled, debarred

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Correct Answer – E. expelled, debarred

Explanation:The blank requires a verb to describe that Jobs was punished because of his pranks in school, thus saying that he was Expelled or Debarred is correct for the sentence as they both mean officially make (someone) leave a school or other organization.

5. Choose the correct option for (5):

A. emancipating, liberating
B. exploding, detonating
C. besieging, blocking
D.  disarm, militarize,
E. implanting, embedding

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Correct Answer – B. exploding, detonating

Explanation: The sentence gives the examples of the pranks carried out by Jobs. One being ‘releasing snakes in the classroom’, and other being exploding the bombs to scare other students and teachers, thus both Exploding and Detonating are correct for the blank.

6. Choose the correct option for (6):

A. recede, ebb
B. abominates, detest
C. embark, set off
D. wily, advance
E. endeavour, ventures

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Correct Answer – C. embark, set off

Explanation: The sentence mentions that Jobs saved money to go on a spiritual journey to India, thus Embark and Set off both meaning to begin the journey are thus correct for the blank.

7. Choose the correct option for (7):
A. persuaded, convinced
B. pretentious, ostentatious
C. beseeched, urged
D. pleaded, appealed
E. enticed, seduced

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Correct Answer – A. persuaded, convinced

Explanation:The sentence mention, that Jobs tried to convince Steve Wozniak to quit his job and launch a company — to sell the home computer Wozniak had designed. Thus a verb will be used, making option (a) Persuaded (past form) and Convinced (past form) correct for the blank as both mean to induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

8. Choose the correct option for (8):
A. penchant, predilection
B. charlatan, sham
C. panacea, propensity
D. contingency, conjecture
E. bias, inclination

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Correct Answer – A. penchant, predilection

Explanation: The blank requires a noun to describe Jobs liking for the start of the venture for single minded individuality. Thus both Penchant and Predilection are correct for the blank as they both mean a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.

9. Choose the correct option for (9):
A. precarious, perilous
B. pragmatic, realistic
C. plausible, credible
D. difficult, perverse
E.  vulnerable, susceptible

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Correct Answer – D. difficult, perverse

Explanation: An adjective is required to describe Jobs as a boss. The word BUT suggest a contrast to Job’s character from as a fiery—tempered, brilliant person, thus Difficult and Perverse used to characterise a person not easy to please or satisfy is correct for the blank.

10. Choose the correct option for (10):
A. dramatic, drastic
B.  judgmental, subjective
C. cautious, ostentatious
D. perfect, distinct
E. tragic, afflictive

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Correct Answer  – A. dramatic, drastic

Explanation: An adjective is required to describe Jobs as a boss. The word BUT suggest a contrast to Job’s failure to his successes which were often world—changing. This makes Dramatic and Drastic meaning likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme correct for the blank.


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