Data Interpretation Quiz

Welcome to Online Quant Section in Here we are providing a set of Data Interpretation Quiz  for SBI PO mains 2017, Dena Bank, BOB Manipal, NICL AO and NIACL Assisitant Mains exam 2017.  

 Data Interpretation Quiz 

Direction (1-5): Study the following graph carefully and answer accordingly. Number of Students participated in different events:-


1.Total number of students participated in Cricket and Volleyball together from school A is what percent of the total number of students participated in these two games together from school C?


2. If the number of students participated in each game in school D is increased by 15% and the number of students participated each game in school B is decreased by 5%, then what will be the difference between number of students in school D and B.
A. 54
B. 218
C. 356
D. 224
E. 205

3. If out of the students participated in Basketball from schools B,D & E, 40%, 35% and 45% respectively got selected for state level competition, what was the total number of students get selected for state level competition from these three schools together.
A. 346
B. 241
C. 292
D. 284
E. 268

4. Total number of students participated in Volleyball from all schools together is approximately What percent of the total number of students participated in Basketball from all schools together?
A. 84%
B. 74%
C. 72%
D. 79%
E. 70%

5. From school A,out of the students participated in Cricket, 40% got selected for state level competition, out of which 25% further got selected for National level competition. From school E, out of the students playing Cricket, 45% got selected for state level competition, out of which two-third for the got selected for National level competition. What is the total number of students participated in Cricket from these two schools who got selected for national level competition?

A. 106
B. 98
C. 112
D. 108
E.  96

Data Interpretation Quiz 

Direction (6-10): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions. In a comparative study of population of six districts- Kurukshetra, Karnal, Panipat, Rohtak,Sonipat and Ambala the following were observed.Female population of Kurukshetra is 120% of the male population of Panipat and 90% of the female population of Rohtak.Male population of Karnal is 125% of the male population of Rohtak and 3137times of the male population of Sonipat. Male and female populations of Rohtak are in the ratio of 13 : 12 respectively.Male population of Kurukshetra is 5/11 th of the total population of that district which is 198000.Female population of Panipat is 110% of the female population of Kurukshetra and 75% of the male population of Ambala.Male and female populations of Sonipat are in the ratio of 7 : 8 respectively. Female population of Karnal is 150% of the male population of Kurukshetra. Female population of Ambala is equal to the male population of Rohtak.

6.Female population of Panipat is approximately what per cent of its total population?

A. 46
B. 52
C. 53
D. 48
E. 57

7. What is the average male population of districts Karnal , Panipat and Rohtak?

A. 127500
B. 126200
C. 114600
D. 122800
E. 133500

8. What is the total population of Ambala?

A. 268200
B. 248600
C. 282800
D. 288400
E. 276800

9. What is the respective ratio between male and female population of Karnal?

A. 33:28
B. 11:9
C. 66:53
D. 65:54
E. 13:11

10. If 85% of the female population of Sonipat is literate, how many females in the Sonipat illiterate?

A. 15600
B. 16400
C. 18600
D. 15200
E. 14800

*Detailed Solutions*





















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