Data Interpretation Questions
Hello Aspirants, As we all know that Data Interpretation Questions is a vital part of quantitative aptitude section for every competitive exam. Data Interpretation is the process of making sense out of a collection of data that has been processed. This collection of data present in the form of charts. (Like – Tabular Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Missing Data Chart, Caselet Chart, and Radar Chart). So here, In this article, we will provide different charts with some questions.These Data Interpretation Questions are important for Bank, SSC, SEBI, NABARD, RBI, LIC, and Other state exams. You can attempt these questions & boost your preparation for your examination.
In the Banking exams, Data Interpretation Questions PDF asked in the Prelims as well as Mains exam.There are 3-4 Data Interpretation asked in the mains exam (Bank).You want to score more in the Data Interpretation section then you should practice more and more Data Interpretations questions.
These Data Interpretation Questions also important for CAT exam.If you started preparing for the CAT exam and you don’t know How to Prepare for Data Interpretation For CAT Exams then you should start practice of Data Interpretation from the below given quiz.
Data Interpretation Questions Quiz-45
This “Data Interpretation Questions and Answers” is also important for other banking exams such as SBI PO, SBI Clerk, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.
Directions: (1-5) Graph given below shows the selling price (in rupees) of a single unit of five different products for a shopkeeper and also the profit percent of on a single unit of these product.
Study the graph carefully and answer the question given below.
1.If a man purchased ten bags and six bottles from the shopkeeper, then find the profit made by the shopkeeper on the given number of bags and bottles?
A. 14.28%
B. 12.5%
C. 14%
D. 16.66%
E. None of these
2.If a man purchased four wallets and sold two of them at 25% loss and rest at 12.5%profit. Then find the net profit or loss obtained by the man.
A. Rs. 14
B. Rs. 9
C. Rs. 6
D. Rs. 12
E. None of these
3.What is the average of cost price of all five items, if single item is considered?
A. 28.26 Rs.
B. 23.25 Rs.
C. 32.28 Rs.
D. 18 Rs.
E. None of these
4.If shopkeeper also wants to sell five tiffin, the cost price of single tiffin is same as cost price of single watch and made a total profit of 50%. Then find the average of selling price of single tiffin and cost price of single bottle?
A. 27.5
B. 22.5
C. 18
D. 15
E. None of these
5. If A and B made profit by selling five belts each whose ratio of selling price is 3 : 2 and cost price of one belt is Rs. 30. If profit made by both is equal to profit made by shopkeeper on selling five bags. Then find the difference of selling price of A and B?
A. Rs. 12.9
B. Rs. 16.4
C. Rs. 8.06
D. Rs. 11.09
E. None of these
Directions: (6-7) Read the data carefully and answer the questions.
There are three companies A, B & C.
Total employee in each company = Total male employee + Total female employee
(i) probability of selecting a male employee from company A is 5/12.
(ii) when a male employee is selected from all three companies, the probability of him being either from company B or company C is 14/19.
(iii) probability of selecting a male employee from company B is equal to probability of selecting a male employee from company C.
6.How many male employees are there in company C?
A. 60
B. 50
C. 70
D. 80
E. 90
7.By what percent total employee in B are more than that of in company A?
A. 16.66%
B. 37.5%
C. 25%
D. 33.33%
E. None of these
Directions: (8-10)- Pie chart given below shows investment (in terms of percentage) out of total investment of five different persons. Study the questions carefully and answer them.
8.A and C entered into a business. After four months A withdraws Rs 800 and after six months C added Rs 1200 more. Profit obtained at the end of year by C is Rs 2700 and profit obtained by A Rs. ______?
A. 1225
B. 1000
C. 825
D. 725
E. 650
9.E, B and F started a business together. F invested Rs 500 more than the amount invested by E and E left the business after six months. If after eight months B also left the business and total profit at end of year obtained by E and F together is Rs 2900, then find total profit?
A. Rs 3900
B. Rs 3700
C. Rs 4200
D. Rs 4700
E. None of these
10.Three business partner D, X and Y invested in ratio 3 : x : 5 and for time which they invested are in ratio 4 : 3 : 2 respectively. If the total profit of D and Y is Rs 6600 out of total profit of Rs 9300, then find amount invested by X?
A. Rs 2520
B. Rs 2250
C. Rs 1250
D. Rs 3200
E. None of these
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