Data Interpretation Questions For Bank
Hello Aspirants, As we all know that Data Interpretation is a vital part of quantitative aptitude section for every competitive exams. Data Interpretation is the process of making sense out of a collection of data that has been processed. This collection of data present in the form of charts.(Like – Tabular Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Missing Data Chart, Caselet Chart and Radar Chart).So here, In this article we will provide different charts with some questions.These Data Interpretation Questions are important for Bank, SSC, SEBI, NABARD, RBI, LIC, and Other state exams. You can attempt these questions & boost your preparation for your examination.
In the Banking exams Data Interpretation Questions asked in the Prelims as well as Mains exam.There are 3-4 Data Interpretation asked in the mains exam (Bank).You want to score more in the Data Interpretation section then you should practice more and more Data Interpretations questions.
This “Data Interpretation Questions and Answers” is also important for other banking exams such as SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.
Data Interpretation Questions Quiz-18
Directions:(1-5) Answer the questions based on the information given below.
The line chart below shows the number of employees and the number of male employees in four different companies.
Note1: Total number of employees = Number of (male + female) employees.
Note2: Total number of male employees = Number of male employees in senior post + number of male employees in non-senior post.
Note3: Total number of female employees = Number of female employees in senior post + number of female employees in non-senior post.
1.The total number of male employees in all the companies together is what percentage of the total number of employees in all the given companies together?
2.Find the difference between the total number of males in non-senior post in all the companies together and the total number of females in non-senior posts in all the companies together. 3.Find the ratio of the total number of male employees in senior post in all the companies together to the total number of female employees in senior post in all the companies together. 4.Find the average number of female employees in each company. 5.Find the difference between the number of male employees in senior post in TCS and HCL together and the number of female employees in senior post in Wipro and Infosys together. Directions-(6-10) Answer the questions based on the information given below. The table below shows the percentage of non – veg momos plates delivered and the percentage of fried momos delivered to each party out of the total momos plates delivered to that party. Note 1: Total number of momos plates delivered = Number of momos plates delivered to Party1 + Party2 + Party 3 Note 2: Total number of momos plates delivered to each party = Number of veg momos plates + number of non-veg momos plates Note 3: Total number of veg momos plates = Number of fried + steamed veg momos plates Note 4: Total number of non – veg momos plates = Number of fried + steamed non-veg momos plates 6.What is the percentage of total number of veg momos plates with respect to the total number of non-veg momos plates delivered by the restaurant? 7.If the ratio of total number of fried non-veg momos to fried veg momos delivered by the restaurant to all the 3 parties combined is 7: 6 respectively, find the total number of steamed veg momos plates delivered by the restaurant to all the 3 parties combined. 8.If the number of fried non-veg momos plates delivered to the party 2 is 20 more than the number of fried veg-momos plates delivered to the same party, find the percentage of the number of steamed non-veg momos with respect to the number of steamed veg-momos delivered to the party 2. 9.If the ratio of steamed non-veg to steamed veg momos delivered to party 3 is 3:2 respectively, find the difference between the number of fried non-veg momos and steamed veg momos delivered to party3. 10.Find the number of steamed non-veg momos delivered to party1, if the number of steamed veg momos delivered to party1 is 30.
Non-veg Momos (as percentage of Total number of Momos)
Fried (Non-veg + Veg) (as percentage of Total number of Momos)
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