Data Interpretation Questions
Data Interpretation Questions

Data Interpretation Questions For Bank

Hello Aspirants, As we all know that Data Interpretation is a vital part of quantitative aptitude section for every competitive exams. Data Interpretation is the process of making sense out of a collection of data that has been processed. This collection of data present in the form of charts.(Like – Tabular Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Missing Data Chart, Caselet Chart and Radar Chart).So here, In this article we will provide different charts with some questions.These Data Interpretation Questions are important for Bank, SSC, SEBI, NABARD, RBI, LIC, and Other state exams. You can attempt these questions & boost your preparation for your examination.

In the Banking exams Data Interpretation Questions asked in the Prelims as well as Mains exam.There are 3-4 Data Interpretation asked in the mains exam (Bank).You want to score more in the Data Interpretation section then you should practice more and more Data Interpretations questions.

This “Data Interpretation Questions and Answers” is also important for other banking exams such as SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.

Data Interpretation Questions Quiz-12

Directions:(1-5) Answer the questions based on the information given below.

The given line graph provides information about the number of nuts and bolts produced by a manufacturing company on five different days of a week and the radar graph provides information about the percentage of items produced on different days which were defective.

Total number of items produced in a day = Number of nuts produced in a day + Number of bolts produced in a day

Total number of items produced = Total number of defective items produced + Total number of non – defective items produced

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1.Find the average of the number of non-defective items produced on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

A 1100
B 1200
C 1300
D 1400
E None of these

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Correct Answer – D.1400

Days Nuts Bolts Total items = (Nuts + Bolts) Number of Defective items Number of Non-defective items
Monday 1200 800 2000 0.24 × 2000 = 480 2000 – 480 = 1520
Tuesday 800 1000 1800 0.15 × 1800 = 270 1800 – 270 = 1530
Wednesday 600 1200 1800 0.20 × 1800 = 360 1800 – 360 = 1440
Thursday 1000 600 1600 0.12 × 1600 = 192 1600 – 192 = 1408
Friday 500 1000 1500 0.18 × 1500 = 270 1500 – 270 = 1230

Therefore, required average = (1530 + 1440 + 1230)/3 = 1400

2.Find the ratio of total number of items produced on Monday and Thursday taken together to the total number of items produced on Tuesday and Wednesday taken together.

A 1:1
B 1:2
C 2:3
D 3:4
E 4:3

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Correct Answer – A.1:1

Days Nuts Bolts Total items = (Nuts + Bolts) Number of Defective items Number of Non-defective items
Monday 1200 800 2000 0.24 × 2000 = 480 2000 – 480 = 1520
Tuesday 800 1000 1800 0.15 × 1800 = 270 1800 – 270 = 1530
Wednesday 600 1200 1800 0.20 × 1800 = 360 1800 – 360 = 1440
Thursday 1000 600 1600 0.12 × 1600 = 192 1600 – 192 = 1408
Friday 500 1000 1500 0.18 × 1500 = 270 1500 – 270 = 1230

Therefore, required ratio = (2000 + 1600) : (1800 + 1800) = 3600 : 3600 = 1 : 1

3.If the ratio of number of defective nuts to the number of defective bolts produced on Thursday is 7:5 respectively, then the number of defective nuts produced on Thursday was what percentage of number of bolts produced on Monday?

A 10%
B 12%
C 14%
D 16%
E 18%

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Correct Answer – C.14%

Days Nuts Bolts Total items = (Nuts + Bolts) Number of Defective items Number of Non-defective items
Monday 1200 800 2000 0.24 × 2000 = 480 2000 – 480 = 1520
Tuesday 800 1000 1800 0.15 × 1800 = 270 1800 – 270 = 1530
Wednesday 600 1200 1800 0.20 × 1800 = 360 1800 – 360 = 1440
Thursday 1000 600 1600 0.12 × 1600 = 192 1600 – 192 = 1408
Friday 500 1000 1500 0.18 × 1500 = 270 1500 – 270 = 1230

So, numbers of defective nuts produced on Thursday = (7/12) × 192 = 112

Therefore, required percentage = (112/800) × 100 = 14%

4.The ratio of number of defective nuts produced on Tuesday to the number of defective nuts produced on Wednesday is 5:8 respectively and number of defective bolts produced on Tuesday and the number of defective bolts produced on Wednesday is same. Find the number of non-defective nuts produced on Tuesday.

A 480
B 650
C 720
D 850
E None of these

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Correct Answer – B.650

Days Nuts Bolts Total items = (Nuts + Bolts) Number of Defective items Number of Non-defective items
Monday 1200 800 2000 0.24 × 2000 = 480 2000 – 480 = 1520
Tuesday 800 1000 1800 0.15 × 1800 = 270 1800 – 270 = 1530
Wednesday 600 1200 1800 0.20 × 1800 = 360 1800 – 360 = 1440
Thursday 1000 600 1600 0.12 × 1600 = 192 1600 – 192 = 1408
Friday 500 1000 1500 0.18 × 1500 = 270 1500 – 270 = 1230

Let the number of defective nuts produced on Tuesday and Wednesday be ‘5x’ and ‘8x’ respectively.

As the number of defective bolts produced on Tuesday and the number of defective bolts produced on Wednesday is same, so

8x – 5x = 360 – 270

3x = 90

x = 90/3 = 30

So, number of defective nuts produced on Tuesday = 5 × 30 = 150

Therefore, number of non-defective nuts produced on Tuesday = 800 – 150 = 650

5.Find the difference between the number of non-defective items produced on Wednesday and number of non-defective items produced on Thursday.

A 120
B 140
C 150
D 180
E None of these

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Correct Answer – E.None of these

Days Nuts Bolts Total items = (Nuts + Bolts) Number of Defective items Number of Non-defective items
Monday 1200 800 2000 0.24 × 2000 = 480 2000 – 480 = 1520
Tuesday 800 1000 1800 0.15 × 1800 = 270 1800 – 270 = 1530
Wednesday 600 1200 1800 0.20 × 1800 = 360 1800 – 360 = 1440
Thursday 1000 600 1600 0.12 × 1600 = 192 1600 – 192 = 1408
Friday 500 1000 1500 0.18 × 1500 = 270 1500 – 270 = 1230

Therefore, required difference = 1440 – 1408 = 32

Directions:(6-10) Answer the questions based on the information given below.

The bar graph given below provides information about the time taken (in hours) by five different pipes to fill the empty tank and to empty the full tank.

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6.Pipes A and C are connected to the inlet point of the tank. Find the time taken by these pipes to fill the empty tank together.

A 680/29 hours
B 24 hours
C 144/7 hours
D 25 hours
E 740/29 hours

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Correct Answer – C.144/7 hours

Let the capacity of the tank = 144 litres (LCM of 48 and 36)

Quantity of water filled by pipe A in one hours = 144 / 48 = 3 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe C in one hours = 144 / 36 = 4 litres

Quantity of water filled in tank if all the pipes are connected together = 3 + 4 = 7 litres

Time taken to fill the empty tank = 144/7 hours

7.What is the time taken by pipes B and D together to empty the full tank if both the pipes are outlet pipes?

A 15 hours
B 1800/97 hours
C 16 hours
D 3840/239 hours
E None of these

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Correct Answer – B. 1800/97 hours

Let the capacity of the tank = 1800 litres (LCM of 25 and 72)

Quantity of water taken out by pipe B in one hour = 1800 / 25 = 72 litres

Quantity of water taken out by pipe D in one hour = 1800 / 72 = 25 litres

Quantity of water taken out by pipes B and D together in one hour = 72 + 25 = 97 litres

Time taken to empty the full tank = 1800 / 97 hours

8.Pipes B, D and E are connected to the inlet point of the tank. All the three pipes are opened but after 5 hours, pipe B is closed and 4 hours before the tank is filled, pipe E is also closed. Find the time taken to fill the empty tank.

A 12 hours
B 16 hours
C 13 hours
D 14 hours
E 15 hours

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Correct Answer – D. 14 hours

Let the capacity of the tank = 120 litres (LCM of 30, 24 and 40)

Quantity of water filled by pipe B in one hour = 120 / 30 = 4 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe D in one hour = 120 / 24 = 5 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe E in one hour = 120 / 40 = 3 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipes B, D and E in five hours = (4 + 5 + 3) × 5 = 60 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe D alone in four hours = 5 × 4 = 20 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe D and E = 120 – 60 – 20 = 40 litres

Time taken by pipe D and E together to fill this 40 litres = 40 / (5 + 3) = 5 hours

So total time taken to fill the empty tank = 5 + 4 + 5 = 14 hours

9.Pipes C and D are connected to the inlet point of the tank and efficiency of pipes C and D are increased by 50%. Now calculate the time taken by these two pipes to fill the empty tank.

A 48/5 hours
B 23/11 hours
C 9/4 hours
D 41/19 hours
E None of these

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Correct Answer – A. 48/5 hours

Let the capacity of tank = 72 litres (LCM of 36 and 24)

Quantity of water filled by pipe C in one hour = 72 / 36 = 2 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe C in one hour after increased efficiency = 2 × 1.50 = 3 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe D in one hour = 72 / 24 = 3 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe D in one hour after increased efficiency = 3 × 1.50 = 4.5 litres

Quantity of water filled by three pipes in one hour = 3 + 4.5 = 7.5 litres

Time taken to fill the empty tank = 72 / 7.5 = 48/5 hours

10.Pipes A, B, C, D and E are connected to the tank. Out of these pipes, pipe A, B and D are inlet pipes whereas pipes C and E are outlet pipes. Find the time taken to fill the empty tank.

A 16 hours
B 18 hours
C 20 hours
D 22 hours
E None of these

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Correct Answer – C. 20 hours

Let the capacity of the tank = 240 litres (LCM of 48, 30, 24, 80, 30)

Quantity of water filled by pipe A in one hour = 240 / 48 = 5 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe B in one hour = 240 / 30 = 8 litres

Quantity of water taken out by pipe C in one hour = 240 / 80 = 3 litres

Quantity of water filled by pipe D in one hour = 240 / 24 = 10 litres

Quantity of water taken out by pipe E in one hour = 240 / 30 = 8 litres

Quantity of water filled by these five pipes in one hour = 5 + 8 – 3 + 10 – 8 = 12 litres

Time taken to fill the tank = 240 / 12 = 20 hours

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