Data Interpretation Questions
Data Interpretation Questions

Data Interpretation Questions For Bank

Hello Aspirants, As we all know that Data Interpretation is a vital part of quantitative aptitude section for every competitive exams. Data Interpretation is the process of making sense out of a collection of data that has been processed. This collection of data present in the form of charts.(Like – Tabular Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Missing Data Chart, Caselet Chart and Radar Chart).So here, In this article we will provide different charts with some questions.These Data Interpretation Questions are important for Bank, SSC, SEBI, NABARD, RBI, LIC, and Other state exams. You can attempt these questions & boost your preparation for your examination.

In the Banking exams Data Interpretation Questions asked in the Prelims as well as Mains exam.There are 3-4 Data Interpretation asked in the mains exam (Bank).You want to score more in the Data Interpretation section then you should practice more and more Data Interpretations questions.

This “Data Interpretation Questions and Answers” is also important for other banking exams such as SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.

Data Interpretation Questions Quiz-10

Directions:(1-5) Answer the questions based on the information given below.

The line graph given below shows the time taken by seven friends to complete the given respective percentage of the same work i.e. A alone can complete 30% of the work in 15 days.

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1.In how many days the work gets completed if A and D worked on alternate days, starting with D?

A 58(3/5) days
B 58(4/7) days
C 58(2/5) days
D 58(1/6) days
E None of these

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Correct Answer – C.58(2/5) days


2.B, F and G started working together but after 8 days F left the job and the remaining work is done by B and G together. In overall how many days does the work get completed?

A 34 days
B 36 days
C 38 days
D 40 days
E 42 days

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Correct Answer – B.36 days

Time taken by B alone to complete the whole work = 48 ÷ 0.75 = 64 days

Time taken by F alone to complete the whole work = 48 ÷ 0.375 = 128 days

Time taken by G alone to complete the whole work = 12 ÷ 0.125 = 96 days

Let the total work = 384 units (LCM of 64, 96 and 128)

Amount of work done by B in one day = 384 ÷ 64 = 6 units

Amount of work done by F in one day = 384 ÷ 128 = 3 units

Amount of work done by G in one day = 384 ÷ 96 = 4 units

Amount of work done by B, F and G in 8 days = (6 + 3 + 4) × 8 = 104 units

Remaining work = 384 – 104 = 280 units

Time taken by B and G to complete the remaining work = 280 ÷ (6 + 4) = 28 days

So total time taken to complete the work = 28 + 8 = 36 days

3.C is 25% less efficient than Rajan and Pankaj is 25% more efficient than D. Pankaj and Rajan started working together but after 11 days Pankaj left the job and the remaining work is done by Rajan alone. In overall how many days the work is completed.

A 31(19/39) days
B 32(19/56) days
C 32(22/39) days
D 31(19/56) days
E None of these

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Correct Answer – D.31(19/56) days


4.B and C started working together but after 8 days B is replaced by G. Now, after 12 more days, C is also replaced by F. For how many days F and G worked together till the work got completed?

A 20(4/91) days
B 21 days
C 21(9/91) days
D 22 days
E 22(38/91) days

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Correct Answer – A.20(4/91) days


5.What is the time taken by B, C, E and F to complete the work when they are working together?

A 17(291/847) days
B 17(501/847) days
C 17(577/847) days
D 17(611/847) days
E None of these

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Correct Answer – C.17(577/847) days


Directions:(6-10) Answer the questions based on the information given below.

The table given below shows the amount of money invested by five different friends in two different schemes for the same period of time but at given respective rate of interests.

Total amount invested (Rs.)

Ratio of amount in

Scheme A:Scheme B

Time period of investment (years)

Rate of interest in scheme A

Rate of interest in scheme B































6.What is the total interest earned by Rajan from scheme A and B together if scheme A offers compound interest and scheme B offers simple interest?

A Rs. 20,225
B Rs. 20,565
C Rs. 21,225
D Rs. 21,675
E None of these

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Correct Answer – B.Rs. 20,565

Amount invested by Rajan in scheme A = 72000 ÷ 8 × 5 = Rs. 45,000

Amount invested by Rajan in scheme B = 72000 ÷ 8 × 3 = Rs. 27,000

Interest earned by Rajan from scheme A = 45000 × {(1 + 0.10)3 – 1} = Rs. 14,895

Interest earned by Rajan from scheme B = 27000 × 3 × 0.07 = Rs. 5,670

Total interest earned by Rajan = 14895 + 5670 = Rs. 20,565

7.If it is said that scheme A offers simple interest then what is the difference between the interest earned by Rahul from Scheme A and the interest earned by Ritesh from scheme A?

A Rs. 7,360
B Rs. 7,210
C Rs. 7,160
D Rs. 7,080
E None of these

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Correct Answer – D.Rs. 7,080

D. Rs. 7,080

Amount invested by Rahul in scheme A = 56000 ÷ 7 × 3 = Rs. 24,000

Interest earned by Rahul from scheme A = 24000 × 5 × 0.15 = Rs. 18,000

Amount invested by Ritesh in scheme A = 63000 ÷ 9 × 4 = Rs. 28,000

Interest earned by Ritesh from scheme A = 28000 × 3 × 0.13 = Rs. 10,920

Desired difference = 18000 – 10920 = Rs. 7,080

8.What is the ratio of the interest earned by Rajan from scheme B to the interest earned by Rahul from scheme A? Both the schemes offer simple interests.

A 17:50
B 33:100
C 63:200
D 21:67
E 23:67

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Correct Answer – C.63:200

Amount invested by Rajan in scheme B = 72000 ÷ 8 × 3 = Rs. 27,000

Interest earned by Rajan from scheme B = 27000 × 3 × 0.07 = Rs. 5,670

Amount invested by Rahul in scheme A = 56000 ÷ 7 × 3 = Rs. 24,000

Interest earned by Rahul from scheme A = 24000 × 5 × 0.15 = Rs. 18,000

Desired ratio = 5670:18000 = 63: 200

9.What is the difference between the total interests earned by Ramesh from both the schemes together and total interest earned by Rohan from both the schemes together? Both the schemes A and B, offers compound interest.

A Rs. 5,592.07
B Rs. 5,612.35
C Rs. 5,612.35
D Rs. 5,622.25
E Rs. 5,632.27

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Correct Answer – A. Rs. 5,592.07

Amount invested by Ramesh in scheme A = 61000 ÷ 5 × 2 = Rs. 24,400

Amount invested by Ramesh in scheme B = 61000 ÷ 5 × 3 = Rs. 36,600

Interest earned by Ramesh from scheme A = 24400 × {(1 + 0.08)2 – 1} = Rs. 4,060.16

Interest earned by Ramesh from scheme B = 36600 × {(1 + 0.12)2 – 1} = Rs. 9,311.04

Total interest earned by Ramesh = 4060.16 + 9311.04 = Rs. 13,371.20

Amount invested by Rohan in scheme A = 69000 ÷ 10 × 7 = Rs. 48,300

Amount invested by Rohan in scheme B = 69000 ÷ 10 × 3 = Rs. 20,700

Interest earned by Rohan from scheme A = 48300 × {(1 + 0.12)2 – 1} = Rs. 12,287.52

Interest earned by Rohan from scheme B = 20700 × {(1 + 0.15)2 – 1} = Rs. 6,675.75

Total interest earned by Rohan = 12287.52 + 6675.75 = Rs. 18,963.27

Desired difference = 18963.27 – 13371.20 = Rs. 5,592.07

10.If scheme A offers simple interest then find the total interest earned by all the friends together from scheme A.

A Rs. 57,866
B Rs. 57,896
C Rs. 57,916
D Rs. 57,936
E None of these

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Correct Answer – C.Rs. 57,916

Amount invested by Rahul in scheme A = 56000 ÷ 7 × 3 = Rs. 24,000

Interest earned by Rahul from scheme A = 24000 × 5 × 0.15 = Rs. 18,000

Amount invested by Ramesh in scheme A = 61000 ÷ 5 × 2 = Rs. 24,400

Interest earned by Ramesh from scheme A = 24400 × 2 × 0.08 = Rs. 3,904

Amount invested by Rajan in scheme A = 72000 ÷ 8 × 5 = Rs. 45,000

Interest earned by Rajan from scheme A = 45000 × 3 × 0.10 = Rs. 13,500

Amount invested by Rohan in scheme A = 69000 ÷ 10 × 7 = Rs. 48,300

Interest earned by Rohan from scheme A = 48300 × 2 × 0.12 = Rs. 11,592

Amount invested by Ritesh in scheme A = 63000 ÷ 9 × 4 = Rs. 28,000

Interest earned by Ritesh from scheme A = 28000 × 3 × 0.13 = Rs. 10,920

Total interest earned from scheme A = 18000 + 3904 + 13500 + 11592 + 10920 = Rs. 57,916


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