Q. (1-5) Study the pie chart carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Percentage breakup of number of children in five different villages and breakup of children
attending school from those villages.


1.What is the respective ratio of total number of children from village O to the number of
children attending school from the same village?

A. 204 : 145
B. 179 : 131
C. 167 : 111
D. 266 : 137
E. None of these

2.What is the number of children attending school from village N?
A. 145
B. 159
C. 170
D. 164
E. None of these

3.What is the total number of children not attending school from villages M and N together?
A. 69
B. 56
C. 76
D. 63
E. None of these

4.What is the total number of children from villages P and M together?
A. 1422
B. 1142
C. 1122
D. 1211
E. None of these

5.The number of children attending school from village L is approximately what percentage of
the number of children from that village?

A. 78%
B. 72%
C. 57%
D. 56%
E. 66%

Q. (6-10) study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Number of people(in thousands) staying in six different cities and the percentage of men,women
and children in those cities.

DI 2 1

6.What is the ratio of the number of women from city R to that from city T?
A. 8401 : 9135
B. 7325 : 8462
C. 9124 : 10131
D. 6487 : 7758
E. None of these

7.Which city has the lowest number of children?
A. R
B. S
C. T
D. Q
E. None of these

8.Total number of people from city U form approximately what per cent of the total number of
people from all cities together?

A. 28
B. 11
C. 6
D. 24
E. 19

9.The number of women from city S forms what per cent of that from city P? (Rounded o? to two
digits after decimal)

A. 87.08
B. 124.68
C. 114.84
D. 92.16
E. None of these

10.What is the average number of men from all the cities together?
A. 21450
B. 23200
C. 19445
D. 18620
E. None of these


Solution: 1


Solution: 2


Solution: 3


Solution: 4


Solution: 5


Solution: 6


Solution: 7


Solution: 8


Solution: 9


Solution: 10


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