Reasoning Alpha Numeric Series for Banking Exams
Alpha Numeric Series Questions with answers. If you are preparing for Banking & Insurance, SSC and Railways exams, you will come across a section on Reasoning Ability Section. Here we are providing you Reasoning Alpha Numeric Series Questions for Banking & SSC Exam based on the latest pattern for your daily practice.
This “Alpha Numeric Series Questions“ is also important for other banking exams such as SBI PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB Officer, IBPS RRB Office Assistant, IBPS SO, SBI SO and other competitive exams.
Alpha Numeric Series Questions | Set- 5
Directions:(1-5) In a certain language,
“Dance lightly with life” is coded as “dam fam bam gam”,
“Be loyal with life” is coded as “jam gam kam fam”,
“Dance lightly for yourself” is coded as “bam lam dam pam”,
“Be lightly with yourself” is coded as “jam dam fam pam”
1. What is the code for ‘life’?
A. Fam
B. Dam
C. Bam
D. Gam
E. None of these
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – D. Gam
The codes are shown below:
Word |
dance |
lightly |
with |
life |
be |
loyal |
for |
Yourself |
Code |
bam |
dam |
fam |
gam |
jam |
kam |
lam |
pam |
‘Life’ is coded as ‘gam’.
2. Which word is coded as ‘kam’?
A. Be
B. Loyal
C. With
D. Yourself
E. None of these
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – B. Loyal
The codes are shown below:
Word |
dance |
lightly |
with |
life |
be |
loyal |
for |
Yourself |
Code |
bam |
dam |
fam |
gam |
jam |
kam |
lam |
pam |
‘Loyal’ is coded as ‘kam’.
3. What is the code for ‘Be yourself’?
A. jam pam
B. dam jam
C. pam dam
D. gam pam
E. None of these
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – A. jam pam
The codes are shown below:
Word |
dance |
lightly |
with |
life |
be |
loyal |
for |
Yourself |
Code |
bam |
dam |
fam |
gam |
jam |
kam |
lam |
pam |
‘Be yourself’ is coded as ‘jam pam’
4. Which word is coded as ‘pam’?
A. Be
B. Lightly
C. With
D. Yourself
E. None of these
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – D. Yourself
The codes are shown below:
Word |
dance |
lightly |
with |
life |
be |
loyal |
for |
Yourself |
Code |
bam |
dam |
fam |
gam |
jam |
kam |
lam |
pam |
‘Yourself’ is coded as ‘pam’.
5. What is the code for ‘dance’?
A. fam
B. dam
C. bam
D. gam
E. None of these
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – C. bam
The codes are shown below:
Word |
dance |
lightly |
with |
life |
be |
loyal |
for |
Yourself |
Code |
bam |
dam |
fam |
gam |
jam |
kam |
lam |
pam |
‘Dance’ is coded as ‘bam’.
Directions:(6-10) Answer the questions based on the information given below.
In a certain language,
“Because you the reason” is coded as “mic jic pic qic”
“You need me because” is coded as “pic cic mic ric”
“Need back your reason” is coded as “cic nic tic jic”
“Just because of your” is coded as “tic pic eic fic”
6. What is the code for “your”?
A. jic
B. ric
C. tic
D. qic
E. None of these
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – C. tic
The code for the given words are shown in table,
because |
you |
the |
Need |
me |
back |
your |
reason |
just |
of |
pic |
mic |
qic |
Cic |
ric |
nic |
tic |
jic |
eic/fic |
fic/eic |
The code for “YOUR” is “tic”.
7. What would be code for “back of”?
A. nic, eic
B. eic, jic
C. fic, eic
D. nic, fic
E. Cannot be determined
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Correct Answer – E. Cannot be determined
The code for the given words are shown in table,
because |
you |
the |
need |
Me |
back |
your |
reason |
just |
of |
pic |
mic |
qic |
cic |
Ric |
nic |
tic |
jic |
eic/fic |
fic/eic |
As the code for “BACK” is “nic” while for “OF” it could be either “eic or fic”
8. Which of the following word determines the code of “me”?
A. cic
B. ric
C. jic
D. qic
E. None of these
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – B. ric
The code for the given words are shown in table,
because |
you |
the |
need |
Me |
back |
your |
reason |
just |
of |
pic |
mic |
qic |
cic |
Ric |
nic |
tic |
jic |
eic/fic |
fic/eic |
The word determines the code of “me” is “ric”.
9. What is the code for “just”?
A. cic
B. mic
C. eic
D. fic
E. Cannot be determined
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – E. Cannot be determined
The code for the given words are shown in table,
because |
you |
the |
need |
me |
back |
your |
reason |
just |
of |
pic |
Mic |
qic |
Cic |
ric |
nic |
tic |
jic |
eic/fic |
fic/eic |
The code for “JUST” would be either ‘fic’ or ‘eic’.
10. What is the code for “Need”?
A. cic
B. eic
C. mic
D. fic
E. Cannot be determined
Show Correct Answers
Correct Answer – A. cic
The code for the given words are shown in table,
because |
you |
the |
need |
me |
back |
your |
reason |
just |
of |
pic |
Mic |
qic |
Cic |
ric |
nic |
tic |
jic |
eic/fic |
fic/eic |
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